Ing. Boris Hošoff, PhD.
Telephone: 02/ 5249 5080
Extension: 147
Full list of publications
Životopis v súbore na stiahnutie
- Convergence of states and regions
- EU economic policy
- Globalisation
- International competitiveness
- International trade
- World economy
- PB 7 The importance of the single market and free movement of goods for Slovakia, 2024, 4 s., ISBN
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy: Fragmentation, Polarization, and a New Form of Integration, 2024, 322 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-347-6
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy: Where is the Conflict in Ukraine Taking Global Society?, 2023, 318 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-335-3
- (Sur)reality of integration and real convergence in the European Union: economic and legal context, 2022, 152 s., ISBN 978-80-7160-674-1
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy: Causes and Consequences of Rising Prices, 2022, 302 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-329-2
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy: Environmental and Social Background of the Economy, 2021, 308 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-324-7
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy: Transformation during the Pandemic of Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, 2020, 254 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-314-8
- Institutional Preparedness for Digitalization and Changes in the External Environment, 2018, 238 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-292-9
- WP 97 Recent evolution and possibilities for financing research and development in USA, 2017, 19 s., ISSN 1337-5598
- Determinants of the debt crisis and its influence on economy and society, 2015, 154 s., ISBN 978-80-89608-25-6
- Financial and social aspects of debt crisis from economics and law points of view, 2014, 222 s., ISBN 978-80-89608-18-8
- WP 12 The role of government in the development of competitiveness, 2008, 17 s., ISSN 1337–5598
- Macroeconomic Policy Crossroads in the USA (1980 – 2005), 2007, 186 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-161-8
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy: Fragmentation, Polarization, and a New Form of Integration, 2024, 322 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-347-6
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy: Where is the Conflict in Ukraine Taking Global Society?, 2023, 318 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-335-3
- (Sur)reality of integration and real convergence in the European Union: economic and legal context, 2022, 152 s., ISBN 978-80-7160-674-1
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy: Causes and Consequences of Rising Prices, 2022, 302 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-329-2
- Súvislosti produktivity práce a minimálnej mzdy , 2021, 200 s., ISBN 978-80-224-1934-5
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy: Environmental and Social Background of the Economy, 2021, 308 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-324-7
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy: Transformation during the Pandemic of Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, 2020, 254 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-314-8
- Slovak Economy after 25 Years of Independent State, 2019, 272 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-309-0(4)
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy: Growth Slowdown Due to Trade Tensions, 2019, 346 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-306-3
- Institutional Preparedness for Digitalization and Changes in the External Environment, 2018, 238 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-292-9
- Kontradikcie vo vývoji zamestnanosti v SR na pozadí demografických a štruktúrnych zmien, 2018, 143 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-298-1
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy: Positive Economic Outlook and Impending Trade War, 2018, 324 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-294-3
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy: Fragile Shift from Areas of Risk to Growth Trajectort, 2017, 382 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-279-0
- WP 97 Recent evolution and possibilities for financing research and development in USA, 2017, 19 s., ISSN 1337-5598
- The development and perspectives of the world economy: High risks and larger uncertainities, 2016, 344 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-271-4
- Determinants of the debt crisis and its influence on economy and society, 2015, 154 s., ISBN 978-80-89608-25-6
- Potential of the Silver Economy in an Ageing Europe dealing with an Ongoing Debt Crisis and Problems in the Labour Market, 2015, 136 s., ISBN 978-86-80394-00-8
- The development and perspectives of the world economy: Fragile recovery of the global economy in the time of relatively low crude oil prices and the persisting geopolitical risks, 2015, 336 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-245-5
- Actual Problems of (Un)employment of Low-skilled Labour Force , 2014, 150 s., ISBN 978-80-89608-16-4
- Financial and social aspects of debt crisis from economics and law points of view, 2014, 222 s., ISBN 978-80-89608-18-8
- Silver economy - potential in Slovakia, 2014, 359 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-234-9
- The development and perspectives of the world economy: Finding possible ways of economic recovery at the time of the persisted crisis of trust, 2013, 401 s., ISBN 978-80-224-1311-4
- THE PARADIGMS OF THE CHANGES IN THE 21ST CENTURY Europe, Slovakia – Connections between the Global Economic and Peace Potential, 2013, 273 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-209-7
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy. Between Stagnation and Recovery, 2012, 354 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-197-7
- The global economy in between the growing risks and recovery assessments, 2012, 162 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-203-5
- Analysis of National Policy Priorities in ICT , 2011, 60 s., ISSN 1337‐0812
- Determinants of Economic Growth and Competitiveness: Challenges and Opportunities, 2011, 258 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-187-8
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy. Slowing Growth and High Unemployment, 2011, 261 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-185-4
- The benefits of diversity and implementation of non-discriminatory mechanisms in the field of employment, 2010, 140 s., ISBN 978-80-89016-51-8
- Analysis of State Aid Measures Promoting Foreign Investment and Proposal of Its Optimalisation, 2010, 28 s., ISSN 1337 0812
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy. The Recovery of the World Economy: Reality or Myth?, 2010, 312 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-178-6
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy. The Global Financial and Economic Crisis. Causes – Costs – Remedies, 2009, 280 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-175-5
- WP 21 Competitiveness of the Visegrad countries in the light of FDI attractiveness, 2009, 53 s., ISSN 1337‐5598
- Risks Connected with Actual Development Trends of the World Economy. Financial, Demographic, Foodstuffs and Environmental Crisis, 2008, 147 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-170-0
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy. Turbulences on the Financial Markets and the Dilemma of Economic Policy, 2008, 301 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-166-3
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy. The Benefits of Information Technology and the Costs of Climate Change, 2007, 332 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-159-5
- Globalization and Slovak Economy, 2006, 378 s., ISBN 80-7144-150-3
- The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy. Global Competitiveness and Energy and Demographic Crisis, 2006, 302 s., ISBN 80-7144-152-X
- Convergence and polarization in the world economy
- Institutional competitiveness in the light of changing external environment
- Macroeconomic aspects of debt crisis – readiness to confront new challenges
- Prospects of the Visegrad cooperation in changing economic, political and social conditions, Visegrad 2022
- Reálna konvergencia v Európskej únii: empirické dôkazy a implikácie
- The role of subcontracting in the foreign investors activities within the SR territoty and proposal of measures to promote its share in production
- Analysis of National Policy Priorities in ICT - Slovak Republic
- Analysis of state policy instruments promoting foreign investments in the context of economic crisis and proposal of their optimalisation
- Comparative advantages of the SR vs. investment inflow
- Contradictions in employment development at the background of anticipated demographic and structural changes in the SR
- Creation and exaluation of potential of knowledge society
- Employment policy in relation to low-skilled work force
- Globalization, integration and accomplishment of transformation – determining routes of economic development in Slovakia and creation of economic assumptions for modernization of the Slovak society
- Institutional competitiveness in the light of changing external environment
- Knowledge-based economy, competitiveness, human capital, innovation, economic growth, empirical analyses
- Macroeconomic aspects of debt crisis – readiness to confront new challenges
- New Trends of Globalisation in the World Economy and Demands on Competitiveness Strategy of the Slovak Economy
- Prospects of the Visegrad cooperation in changing economic, political and social conditions, Visegrad 2022
- Reálna konvergencia v Európskej únii: empirické dôkazy a implikácie
- The Transformation of the World Economy, Economic Development and Technological Progress in the Era of Globalization