Analysis of state policy instruments promoting foreign investments in the context of economic crisis and proposal of their optimalisation
Head of projectIng. Veronika Hvozdíková, PhD.
Members of project
Ing. Boris Hošoff, PhD.
Duration of the project: 6/2010 - 7/2010
Type: bilateral contract
Project leader: Miroslav Kučera (cooperation with Aspiro a.s.)-
The project is continuation of the previous study “Information on comparative advantages of the SR vs. investment inflow” which was elaborated by the IER SAS expert team in 2009 for purposes of the Ministry of Economy of the SR. This analysis presents successful examples of FDI promotion abroad, compares policies of FDI support in Visegrad countries, assess costs and effectiveness of compared policies. The study does not include macroeconomic framework, as it was object of the previous expert study. The measured of FDI promotion are categorized by their impact on factors important for investors when deciding on the locality selection. The experts propose optimal mix of the policy in this context applicable in the Slovak environment, based on the assessment of effectiveness and compatibility with the investors’ major decision factors.
Expert study was submitted to the Ministry of Economy of the SR and is also accessible online (in Slovak language - see "download file" part).
Download file (972,98 kB)
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