Projects - EU programmes - 6RP, 7RP, H2020, COST etc.
The role of the socio-economic partners in skills strategies for a just green transition: a regional perspective
Duration of the project: 01/2023 - 06/2025
Project number: CED.892-AO/DVS/RCDCRLSALVA/Regions_Just_Skills_Strategies/007/22
Research and Innovation Observatory
Contractor: JRC European Commission
Duration of the project: 2016 - onwards
Building-up Centre of Excellence for advanced materials application (CEMEA)
Duration of the project: 06/2015 - 05/2016
ID number: H2020-WIDESPREAD-2014-Teaming, ID 664336
FIRSTRUN - Fiscal Rules and Strategies under Externalities and Uncertainties (H2020)
Duration of project: 3/2015 - 2/2018
ID number: 649261
Coordinator: ETLA - The Research Institiute of the Finnish Economy
WWWforEurope - Welfare, Wealth and Work for Europe (7RP)
Duration of the project: 4/2012 - 3/2016
Type of project: 7th Framework Programme
Web site of the project:
NEUJOBS – Employment 2025: How will multiple transitions affects the European labour market (7RP)
Duration of project: 2/2011 - 1/2015
Project: 7RP
ID number: 266833
Coordinator: Centre for European Policy Studies, Brusel
CENTROPE Capacity – Regional Development Report
Duration of the project: 2010 - 2012
Financed by European Union Regional Development Fund. CENTRAL Europe - Cooperating for Success.
Systemic Risks, Financial Crises and Credit – The Roots, Dynamics and Consequences of the Subprime Crisis
Duration of the project: 1/2010 - 1/2014
Action ISO902 under domain ISCH (Individuals, Societies, Cultures and Health)
ANCIEN - Assessing Needs of Care in European Nations (7RP)
Duration of the project: 1/2009 - 8/2012
ID number: 223483, FP7-HEALTH-2007-B
Grant holder: Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels
Participating institutes: 21
Privatisation and the European Social Model (6RP)
AIM - Adequacy of Old-Age Income Maintenance in the EU (6RP)
Duration of the project: 5/2005 – 4/2008
Dynamics of technology changes and development of network structures as a factor of corporate and location competitiveness (COST)
Duration of the project: 9/2005 – 1/2008
Program: COST
Methodology of identification and forecasting possible outcomes in the development of employment and unemployment and the analysis of possible solutions for tackling these trends regarding the improvement of an active labour market policy (ESF)
Duration of the project/from to: 01/2005 – 12/2006
Registration number: EQUAL 15110100006
(143/04-I/33-1.1, SK-39)
AHEAD - Ageing, Health Status and Determinants of Health Expenditure (6RP)
The project was focused on examining the health status. The main objective was to find the relations between health status, ageing of population and health care expenditures. Main goal was to evaluate health status of population (self assessment of health status and utilization of health care) based on age. This analysis using modelling approaches was the base of long-term forecast of the health care system utilization and financing.
The Institute of Economic Research Slovak Academy of Sciences participated on the project as a member of consortium based on ENEPRI, research network. The project consortium consists of 18 research organizations, from which 4 of NMS (H, PL. EST, SK, BG). Other institutions cover the key countries of EU 15. The main coordinator of the project is CEPS (BE)
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