How to find the Institute of Economic Research SAS - Seminars in Empirical Economics
19. 3. at 11:00 - Katarína Zigová (Department of Business Administration, University of Zurich, Switzerland): Vocational Education and Job-Skill Match: Lessons from European Skill Surveys
19. 2. at 10:00 - Petr Koráb (Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen, Germany): When Bitcoin Becomes Macro: Decoding Blockchain Metadata to Localize Mining Activity
(in the library of the Institute of Economic Research)
Firstly, the seminar should serve as a bridge between IER and other Slovak and international research institutions in terms of creating networks. Secondly, it should serve as a forum to disseminate both theoretical models and empirical strategies so that IER employees can learn from a wide-range of issues and personalities. In order to practice the most dominant research and business language in the world, the language of the seminar will be English.
All the papers to be presented should be economic modeling, econometrics or other forms of empirical research and should be supplemented with policy implications. A wide range of topics can be presented, which should include the following:
• Labor market,
• Economic development
• Economic growth
• International trade
• Monetary Economics
• Public Finance / Economics
• International Finance
• Globalization
• Energy and Environment
• Operations research
• Developing Countries
• Microeconomic issues
• Optimization Methods
• Regional economics
Organizational issues
The seminar will be co-chaired by Maria Siranova.
Potential speakers should send their topics and abstracts to the chairs at least three weeks earlier than the date of the seminar and their PPT presentations at least two days prior to the date of the presentation. The abstracts will be uploaded on the IER website and disseminated to a wider public via e-mail. With the permission of the author, selected and modified papers from the presentations maybe recommended for publication in the Journal of Economics of IER. However, this should be more of an exception than a rule.
28. 10. at 10:00 - Olga Popova (Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS), Germany): The Societal Costs of Inflation and Unemployment
5. 6. at 13:00 - Juho Peltonen (Helsinki University): Discount factor shocks and labor market outcomes in recent macroeconomic crises
25. 4. at 10:00 - Silvia Marchesi (University of Milano Bicocca): Wedded to Prosperity? Informal Influence and Regional Favoritism
10. 4. at 10:30 - Michael Sigmund (Oesterreichische Nationalbank): Restoring Confidence in Systemically Important Banks: SSM Effects on Bank Performance
20. 3. at 10:00 - Steven J. Yamarik (Center for Financial Development and Stability, School of Economics, Henan University & California State University at Long Beach, USA): The Effect of Monetary Policy Shocks on Income Inequality across US states
25. 1. at 11:00 - Jovan Zubovic (Institute of Economic Sciences in Serbia): Estimating local and cross border tobacco evasion and avoidance in WB countries
30. 11. 2023 - 48th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Gábor Dávid Kiss : The relevance of network effects on the Central-Eastern European (CEE) stock market indices
11. 9. 2023 - 47th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Jakub Červený : rug Copayments, Child Outcomes, and Intra-family Spillovers
21. 6. 2023 - 46th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Richard Frensch : History, globalization, and time-varying bilateral trade cost terms in gravity
13. 6. 2023 - 45th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Florian Horky : Turbulent Times for Cryptos: Networks of high-activity Bitcoin Traders
31. 5. 2023 - 44th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Timo Baas : The economic benefits of EU-13 membership for EU-15 countries
5. 5. 2023 - 43rd Seminar in Empirical Economics - Jesús Crespo Cuaresma : Hidden in Plain Sight: Influential Sets in Linear Regression
28. 3. 2023 - 42nd Seminar in Empirical Economics - Steven Yamarik : Is Public Capital Productive? New Evidence from American States
29. 11. 2022 - 41st Seminar in Empirical Economics - Gianni De Nicolo : Bank Risk and Bank Rents: The Franchise Value Hypothesis Reconsidered
16. 11. 2022 - 40th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Martin Feldkircher : Cacophony in Central Banking? Evidence from euro area speeches on monetary policy
6. 10. 2022 - 39th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Florian Horky : Don’t miss out on NFTs?! A wavelet coherence analysis of social media-based trust cycles in the non-fungible token (NFT) market
21. 7. 2022 - 38th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Martina Halousková : The role of investor attention in global assets price variation during the war in Ukraine
19. 5. 2022 - 37th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Štefan Rychtárik : Residential property prices in the environment of growing inflation and interest rates. The case of Slovakia
5. 5. 2022 - 36th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Miroslav Štefánik : Take a complete picture of the Youth Guarantee
25. 4. 2022 - 35th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Charles A. M. de Bartolome : The Race to the Suburb: The Location of the Poor in a Metropolitan Area
8. 3. 2022 - 34th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Martin Kahanec : Europe’s Migration Experience and Its Effects on Economic Inequality
22. 2. 2022 - 33rd Seminar in Empirical Economics - Michal Sedlačko: Achieving Policy Impact as an Outsider-Academic in Civil Service Reforms in Slovakia
2. 3. 2021 - 26th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Boris Fišera: Natural Disasters and Government Debt Financing Costs
8. 4. 2021 - 27th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Richard Kališ: Every step counts – evidence on the importance of the spatial proximity in the deregulated pharmacy retail market
12. 5. 2021 - 28th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Miroslav Štefánik: Using online job vacancies to predict key labour market indicators
7. 6. 2021 - 29th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Menbere Workie Tiruneh: Do Remittances Trigger the Dutch Disease? A Panel Cointegration
25. 10. 2021 - 30th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Zuzana Košťálová: Online job posting attractiveness: A tool to improve views, reactions and conversions
3. 11. 2021 - 31st Seminar in Empirical Economics - Katarína Valková: Employment effects of immigration in Austria
24. 11. 2021 - 32nd Seminar in Empirical Economics - Ngoc Anh Ngo: Does Macroprudential Policy Leak? Evidence from Non-bank Credit Intermediation in EU Countries
11. 3. 2019 - 25rd Seminar in Empirical Economics - Lukas Laffers: Mediation Analysis and Sensitivity to Identifying Assumptions
24. 2. 2016 - 23rd Seminar in Empirical Economics - Milan Čupić, Mária Širaňová: Is There Debt Overhang in the European Union? An Empirical Exploration from a Panel Data
31. 3. 2016 - 24th Seminar in Empirical Economics - András Simonovits: Toward an agent-based model
22. 1. 2015 - 21st Seminar in Empirical Economics - Mária Širaňová: Is Dominance of the US Dollar Over Soon? Empirical Investigation by Dynamic Panel-Data Model
25. 3. 2015 - 22nd Seminar in Empirical Economics - Jaroslav Husár: Economic Theory, Data Organisation and Model Construction
16. 1. 2014 - 20th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Saleh Mothana Obadi: Relationship between crude oil and food prices: Causality and cointegration
19. 6. 2013 - 14th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Marek Radvanský, Miroslav Štefánik, Ivan Lichner: Forecasting skills mismatch in Macedonia
23. 7. 2013 - 15th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Marjan Peterski: Do Remittances Reduce Poverty and Inequality in the Western Balkans?
30. 7. 2013 - 16th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Blagica Petreski: Analysis of systemic risk and identifying financial fragility in Central and Southeast Europe
6. 9. 2013 - 17th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Dalina Andrei: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Two Models or the “Pair-Models” Idea for FDI and Economic Growth
6. 9. 2013 - 18th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Mariana Bălan: Features, Dimensions and Costs of Romanian "Neet" Youth in the European Context
31. 10. 2013 - 19th Seminar in Empirical Economics - Vladimír Kvetan: Forecasting skill demand and supply: A methodological discussion
11. 4. 2012 - 11th seminar in Empirical Economics - Menbere Workie Tiruneh: Is there a debt overhang in the Euuropean Union? An empirical exploration from a panel data
31. 10. 2012 - 12th seminar in Empirical Economics - Tatiana Bujňáková: Forecasting labour supply in Slovakia: preliminary results
18. 1. 2011 - 4th seminar in Empirical Economics - Tatiana Bujňáková: Catch up factors: Education? ICT investment? Both simultaneously
22. 2. 2011 - 5th seminar in Empirical Economics - Mikuláš Ľuptáčik: DEA Models in environmental economics
3. 5. 2011 - 6th seminar in Empirical Economics - Martin Lábaj: A structural decomposition in employment and import intenstiy: The case of Slovakia
31. 5. 2011 - 7th seminar in Empirical Economics - Daniel Dujava: Growth of the slovak economy through the neoclassical optics
8. 12. 2011 - 9th seminar in Empirical Economics - Slavomír Ondoš, Andrej Sopkuliak: Time-space variation in regional growth convergence across Europe
8. 6. 2010 - 1st seminar in Empirical Economics - Marek Radvanský: Modeling the impact of postponed implementation of EU structural funds: The case of Slovakia
5. 10. 2010 - 2nd seminar in Empricial Economics - Menbere Workie Tiruneh: Estimation the waiting period to catch up: Income dynamics in the EU
30. 11. 2010 - 3rd seminar in Empirical Economics - Marek Radvanský: Modeling the impact of postponed inplementation of EU structural funds: The case of Slovakia