Globalization, integration and accomplishment of transformation – determining routes of economic development in Slovakia and creation of economic assumptions for modernization of the Slovak society
Head of projectProf. Ing. Milan Šikula, DrSc.
Members of project
Prof. Dr. Ing. Menbere Workie Tiruneh, PhD., Ing. Jaroslav Vokoun, Ivan Šujan, Ing. Ivana Šikulová, PhD., prof. Ing. Peter Staněk, CSc., PhDr. Borislav Petrík, RNDr. Viliam Pálenik, PhD., h.doc., Doc. Ing. Richard Outrata, PhD., Peter Ondko, Ing. Ivan Okáli, DrSc., prof. Ing. Saleh Mothana Obadi, PhD., doc. Ing. Karol Morvay, PhD., Ing. Vladimír Kvetan, Miroslav Kotov, Ing. Ján Košta, CSc., Ľudmila Kormanová, prof. Ing. Anton Klas, CSc., Ing. Mária Kačírková, PhDr Vilma Juríčková, CSc., doc.Ing. Jan Iša, DrSc., Jana Hrivnáková, Ing. Boris Hošoff, PhD., Egon Hlavatý, Ing. Michaela Gajdošová, PhD., Ing. Herta Gabrielová, CSc., Ing. Karol Frank, PhD., Ján Ďuraš, Ing. Daneš Brzica, PhD.
- State research and development programme:
Task identification number: 2003 SP 51/028 06 00/028 06 05
Duration of the project: 01.08.2003 − 31.12.2005
Foreign co-workers
Hoffmann Pavol
Luptáčik Mikuláš
Domestic external co-workers
Bačišin Vladimír
Čambáliková Monika
Hlavatá Andrea
Chovan Igor
Koločány František
Sirák Martin
Tvrdoň Jozef
Žárska Elena
- The research results of the research and development task illustrate the connections between the general economic policy, accomplishment of the transformation process, problems of real economy of the SR and integration with the EU and formulation of economic policy tasks in the SR after the accession to the EU. The results identify assumptions and possibilities of the Slovak economy and society how to cope with the civilization challenges of the 21st century with special emphasis on the Lisbon strategy and the ongoing globalization and integration processes. They are directed into formulation of adaptation strate-gies supporting modern development of the Slovak economy. The results achieved may contribute to strengthen the concept of efficiency of the state economic policy. Moreover, they also positively impact the development of real processes in the economy. A critical discussion of theoretical approaches and synthesis of its results represent a theoretical benefit of the task.
Within investigating the target side of the economic policy the contents and process of creating the socio-economic development strategy of the SR was suggested. With respect to the strategic development goals, attention was paid to the industrial, technological and inno-vation, regional and ecology policies. In connection with the target side of economic policy, the monetary, fiscal, wages, banking and social policies were investigated as factors of macro-economic and socio-economic balance and creating the business environment. Confrontation of individual domestic policies with the EU policies indicated possibilities of an independent function of economic policy of the SR in the EU and also variants in asserting the SR interests into the EU economic policy.
A backward look synthesizing the economic transformation since its start to accession to the European Union appreciated the theoretical approaches, transformation strategies and the whole transformation process in Slovakia. The macro-economic as well as micro-economic levels (businesses and households) and also regional level were analyzed. Special attention was devoted to the analysis of functioning of the Slovak economy in different stages of its transformation confronting it with the standard model of an open market economy. The research results discovered the fact that the economy had approached rules of a standard mar-ket economy, however, also some “White Pages” of transformation were identified, which ought to be addressed with the aim at catching up the advanced market economies.
On the basis of the present state of the technological and innovation development of the Slovak economy, of its factors, namely human resources, education, research and devel-opment, transfer and diffusion of innovation, as well as business environment, the measure of lagging behind of the SR in this field was identified and compared with the EU countries. At the same time, possibilities of how to overcome this lagging were defined with the aim at en-hancing competitiveness of the Slovak economy within the knowledge-based economy and global integration trends. The research responded to the challenges of the Lisbon strategy, according to which competitiveness should be based mainly on enhancing the production quality making use of the latest technological progress and innovation.
The research of the present and expected future impact of globalization and EU inte-gration on the Slovak economy evaluated critically the related basic theoretically open and discussed issues and identified determining globalization trends. Analysis of the long-term development trends of international trade, foreign direct investment, trans-national corpora-tions and financial flows in their structural forms in the advanced countries helped to define qualitative characteristics of globalization and their mutual interconnection. More detailed information on globalization trends resulted in producing a criterion basis for evaluation of the globalization impact on the Slovak economy. The weak sides of the Slovak economy ap-pearing in its actual adaptation to the globalization trends were identified and accordingly there were derived and formulated the main strategic priorities.
- OKÁLI, I. at al.: Macroeconomic Policy of the European Union and Slovakia in the EU Brati-slava: Institute of Slovak and World Economy, SAS, 2004. 352 pp. ISBN 80-7144-140-6. (in Slovak)
MORVAY, K. at al.: Transition of Economy: Experience of Slovakia. 2005. Bratislava: Insti-tute of Slovak and World Economy, SAS, 2005. 328 pp. ISBN 80-7144-143-0. (in Slovak)
KLAS, A. at al.: Technological and Innovation Development in the Slovak Republic. Brati-slava: Institute of Slovak and World Economy Institute of Economic Research, SAS, 2005. 390 pp. ISBN 80-7144-147-3. (in Slovak)
OUTRATA, R. at al.: Globalization and Slovak Economy. Bratislava: Institute of Economic Research, SAS, 2006. 378 pp. ISBN 80-7144-150-3. (in Slovak)
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