Ing. Marek Radvanský, PhD.
Head of Department, Research Fellow
Telephone: 02/ 5249 7053
Extension: 108
Full list of publications
Životopis v súbore na stiahnutie
- Convergence of states and regions
- Econometrics
- Labour market
- Mathematical economics
- Public finance
- Regional development
- Taxes and fund contributions
- Regional labour markets and the shaping of regional policy in the Slovakia, 2024, 100 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-351-3
- Regionálna politika a trh práce po roku 2020, 2020, 209 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-319-3
- Modelling of regional development in SR and evaluation of the effectiveness of regional policies, 2019, 167 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-308-7
- Impact of Cohesion Policy on Regional Development of Slovakia, 2016, 113 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-258-5
- Possibilities of analyzing of cohesion policy impact on regions and labour market in Slovakia: empirical approach, 2014, 149 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-218-9
- Macroeconomic forecast of development of the Slovak economy, with a focus on the development of labor demand, 2010, 104 s., ISSN 1337-08122
- Analysis of the Determinants of Regional Disparity in the Slovak Republic (Selected Issues), 2010, 304 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-183-0
- Trends in Regional Disparity in Slovakia. Theoretical Models and Empirical Analyses, 2009, 179 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-176-2
- Regionálna politika a trh práce po roku 2020, 2020, 209 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-319-3
- Labour Market in Slovakia 2019+, 2018, 167 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-296-7
- Impact of Cohesion Policy on Regional Development of Slovakia, 2016, 113 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-258-5
- Labour Market in Slovakia 2017+, 2016, 229 s., ISBN 978-80-970850-4-9
- Inclusive growth in the Europe 2020 strategy – Naivety or geniality?, 2015, 341 s., ISBN 978 -80 -7144 -250-9
- Labour market in Slovakia 2016+, 2015, 241 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-255-4
- Potential of the Silver Economy in an Ageing Europe dealing with an Ongoing Debt Crisis and Problems in the Labour Market, 2015, 136 s., ISBN 978-86-80394-00-8
- Impact of ageing on long term care demand and supply in Slovakia : NEUJOBS country report, 2014, 26 s., ISBN
- Labour market in Slovakia: Analysis and forecasts, 2014, 228 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-233-2
- Silver economy - potential in Slovakia, 2014, 359 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-234-9
- Impacts of ageing on public finances and labour markets in EU regions, 2013, 282 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-214-1
- Silver Economy in the Slovak, European and Global Context, 2012, 300 s., ISBN 978-807144-205-9
- Modeling Possibilities of Economic Changes in Slovak Republic with Respect to European Monetary Union Membership, 2011, 282 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-192-2
- Satisfying labour demand through migration in the Slovak republic : national study for the European migration network (EMN), 2010, 51 s., ISBN 978-80-970307-6-6
- Aging, health status and determinants of health expenditure under Slovak conditions, 2007, 58 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-160-1
- Evaluation of the fiscal impacts of introducing the system contribution bonus, 2006, 44 s., ISBN
- Forecast of the development of Slovak economy and selected districts by 2013 (case Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Nové Zámky), 2006, 66 s., ISSN 1337-0812
- The updated forecast of the development of socio-economic situation in selected districts of SR until 2013 (case of Lučenec and Bratislava), 2006, 64 s., ISSN 1337-0812
- CIRCMIGR - Improving circular migration between Belarus and Poland, Slovakia and Czechia
- Cooperation and development of regional HERMIN model for Cohesion policy inverventions evaluation in Slovakia and Poland
- ENCON - Enhancing CSOs Contribution to Evidence-Based Policy Making for Vulnerable Groups
- Forecasting of Regional Development and Assessment of Effectiveness of Regional Policies Using the Structural HERMIN Model
- Hybrid modelling system for regional policy evaluation: regional, industry and labour effects
- MALTA - Mid-term Skills & Occupational Forecasting for Malta
- Modeling and analysis of options for reducing regional disparities in Slovakia through public policies
- Ability of modeling the structural changes in Slovakia in respect to EMU integration
- Addressing social challenges related to the design of evidence-based labour market policies
- Analysis of Theoretical Aspects of Inclusive growth in the Context of Say's Theorem in the Slovak Economy
- ANCIEN - Assessing Needs of Care in European Nations (7RP)
- CIRCMIGR - Improving circular migration between Belarus and Poland, Slovakia and Czechia
- Cooperation and development of regional HERMIN model for Cohesion policy inverventions evaluation in Slovakia and Poland
- ENCON - Enhancing CSOs Contribution to Evidence-Based Policy Making for Vulnerable Groups
- FIRSTRUN - Fiscal Rules and Strategies under Externalities and Uncertainties (H2020)
- Forecasting of Regional Development and Assessment of Effectiveness of Regional Policies Using the Structural HERMIN Model
- Inclusive growth in the Europe 2020 strategy – naivety or geniality?
- INTERCEPT - motIvating mobiliziNg supporTing nEets gReen CarEer PaThway
- LM needs - Forecasting Slovak Labour Market Needs in the Medium Term - Up to 2025
- Macroeconomic Forecast of development of the Slovak economy, with a focus on the development of labor demand
- MALTA - Mid-term Skills & Occupational Forecasting for Malta
- Measuring the economic returns to investment into education and human capital
- Methodology of identification and forecasting possible outcomes in the development of employment and unemployment and the analysis of possible solutions for tackling these trends regarding the improvement of an active labour market policy (ESF)
- Micro macro modeling in Slovak conditions
- Possibilities and Constraints of Modelling of Economical Development in Slovak Republic as Possible Approach of Theoretical Hypothesis Verification
- SILVER - Silver economy as a potential of future development in ageing Europe
- System of Regional Models for Impact Assessment of EU Cohesion Policy
- The role of the socio-economic partners in skills strategies for a just green transition: a regional perspective
- Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Computable General Equilibrium Models CGE
- Transmission of price shocks along production value chain and real estate prices cluster analysis in Slovakia