CIRCMIGR - Improving circular migration between Belarus and Poland, Slovakia and Czechia
Head of projectIng. Marek Radvanský, PhD.
Members of project
Ing. Marek Radvanský, PhD., Ing. Ivan Lichner, PhD.
Duration of the project: 03/2020 - 02/2021
ID number: IVF 21930098Project Leader:
CASE - Center for Social and Economic Research
Project Partners:
CASE Belarus - Center for Social and Economic Research Belarus:
Institute for Politics and Society:
Institute of Economic Research SAS:
Youth Labour Rights:
Project sponsor: International Visegrad Fund
The main aim of this project is to examine social and economic effects of circular migration between Belarus and Poland, Slovakia and Czechia. The project’s core question is how managing circular migration could, in the long-term, help to optimise labour resources in both country of origin and destinations countries, while protecting migrants’ rights. Migration flows between Belarus and Poland, Slovakia and Czechia include significant circular movement that is characterized by a repetitive legal back and forth mobility.
Data for the mentioned V4 states indicate that the number of Belarussian citizens granted various forms of work permits has been constantly rising. Circular migration should be managed in a way to optimize labour markets at both ends. It has been identified that circular migration from Belarus contribute to ease current labour shortages in selected V4 states, and especially in services sector and industry. At this end concerns are raised around such issues as respect for migrants’ social and labour rights and efficient labour matching. On the opposite end, little is known about the impact of circular migration to Poland, Slovakia and Czechia on the Belarusian labour market and economy (e.g. investments from remittances and savings). Globally, studies on the issue are fragmentary and inconsistent.
More info can be found here.
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