ENCON - Enhancing CSOs Contribution to Evidence-Based Policy Making for Vulnerable Groups
Head of projectIng. Marek Radvanský, PhD.
Members of project
Ing. Marek Radvanský, PhD., Ing. Veronika Hvozdíková, PhD.
Duration of the project: 04/2017 - 06/2018
ID number: IVF 21650186Grant holder: CASE- Belarus
Project Leader and Coordinator: Sierž Naŭrodski (CASE- Belarus)
Project Partners: CASE Poland, EU SAV Slovakia, Masaryk University Czech Republic, ACT BelarusCASE Belarus in cooperation with CASE (Poland), Institute of Economic Research of Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia), The Faculty of Economics and Administration of Masaryk University (Czech Republic), as well as ACT (Belarus) starts a project to enhance evidence-based policy towards vulnerable groups in Belarus.
Project key words:
Evidence-based policy, cost-and-benefit analysis, effective public services, vulnerable groups, disabled children and youth, prisoners, families at risk, orphans, Belarus
The proposal will be focused on evidence-based public policy literacy and enhancing the capacity of CSOs to effectively design and implement projects aimed at supporting vulnerable groups. It will support strengthening civil society in Belarus specifically via: i) strengthening capacity of CSOs to participate in and contribute to policy dialogue and accountability processes at local and national level; ii) provide CSOs with methodology and case-studies to effectively argue for improved access of vulnerable groups of population and quality of services; and iii) promoting new innovative experiences and trends in social service delivery, in order to involve more and different CSOs under the Belarusian Law on Social Service Delivery.
The Consortium members as well as stakeholder CSOs share the view that policy towards vulnerable groups in post-Soviet countries is costly while also being not effective relying. One of the reasons is the absence of evidence-based approach to social policy design and implementation, in and of itself a result of an underestimation of the necessity of policy impact evaluation by authorities and the lack of skills and abilities at CSOs to perform monitoring and evaluation on state policy or their own projects. In CIS countries these issues are compounded by a lack of relevant experience as well as dialogue between CSOs and authorities at all levels on vulnerable groups' issues.BABICKI, Dzmitry - HVOZDÍKOVÁ, Veronika. Položenije detej-sirot i semej gruppy riska v Belarusi: Analitičeskij otčet [The situation of child orphans and families at risk in Belarus]. Recenzent: Alesja Čerjavskaja. Minsk: CASE Belarus, 2017. 27 s.
Veronika HVOZDÍKOVÁ. Substitute Family/Family-like Care for Children in Slovakia. In Central European Conference in Finance and Economics (CEFE2017), September 20 – 21, 2017 Herľany, Technical University of Košice, 1st Edition (2017), s. 298 – 308, ISBN 978-80-553-2906-2.
Marek Radvanský. Cost and Benefit Methodology. ENCON Midterm Meeting. CASE Belarus, Varšava 4. – 5. december 2017.
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