INTERCEPT - motIvating mobiliziNg supporTing nEets gReen CarEer PaThway
Head of projectMgr. Miroslav Štefánik, PhD.
Members of project
Ing. Marek Radvanský, PhD., Mgr. Tomáš Miklošovič, PhD., Ing. Ivan Lichner, PhD., Ing. Zuzana Košťálová, PhD., Ing. Veronika Hvozdíková, PhD., Ing. Boris Fišera, PhD., Soňa Dulíková, Mgr. Miroslav Štefánik, PhD.
Duration of the project: 01/10/2021 - 24/01/2024
ID number: 2020-1-0033Project Leader:
Project Partners:
CASE- Center for Social and Economic Research, Scientific Foundation
Institute of Economic Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Employment Services under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour of The Republic of Lithuania
Anci Toscana - Association of Municipalities of Tuscany
Tuscany Region
Visionary Analytics
Grosseto University hub
ADEM -National Employment Agency Luxembourg
Project sponsor:
EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment
Investments in the green economy are going to be the key drive of post-pandemic recovery and are set to radically change our economy and society. In order to ensure that such transformation is inclusive and sustainable, policy makers shall be able to deploy new solutions to increase participation at all levels, particularly of the most vulnerable. INTERCEPT delivers an innovative scheme in three countries (Malta, Lithuania, Italy) equipping 300 inactive NEETs aged between 25 and 29 to seize their training and employment opportunities linked to the Green Economy. Under the Project an innovative activation programme will be developed featuring an outreach strategy, career counselling, tailored activation, training, and workplace exposure in the segment of green jobs. The programme will be designed building on the research about the specifics of the target group, and meta-analysis of previously implemented active labour market policy (ALMP) practices. At the end of the intervention, participants are expected to access the labour market. Four out of the project partners are public employment services (MT, LT, IT and LU). The Project will allow them to explore the potential extension of their services, build new connections to employers in the dynamic segment of the green economy and enhance their competencies through international experience sharing and piloting. INTERCEPT will also engage employers to ensure consistency between labour force competences and demand in the green economy. Employees of PES will be trained and, thus, better prepared to address the labour needs related to the green economy. The project aims to mainstream the new approach into a structural measure to integrate NEETs in the green economy, relying also on the evaluation of piloted schemes. Finally, the Project activities are also going to be carried out in line with the highest standards of evidence-based policymaking applied by the European Commission, including evaluation of its outcomes.
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