Transmission of price shocks along production value chain and real estate prices cluster analysis in Slovakia
Head of projectSergei Kharin
Members of project
Ing. Marek Radvanský, PhD., Ing. Dávid Martinák, PhD., Ing. Ivan Lichner, PhD., Ing. Martin Hudcovský, PhD.
Duration of the project: 01/2024 - 12/2025
ID number: VEGA 2/0158/24Since great recession in 2009, significantly diverse price developments had occurred, ranging from the deflation pressures, through stagflation and ending with the extremely volatile and in some cases exponential trajectories. The detailed analysis of the underlying factors of those processes lies in the focus of the activities of the proposed project. Two distinct strands of research will be conducted. First focusing on the real estate prices and their spatial interconnectedness and second disentangling the ties between energy prices and price tags of other products. To investigate spatial real-estate prices transmission we will augment the standard clustering methods by machine learning elements. To identify the power of the energy prices transmission along the production chain piecewise linear co-integration method (AVECM) based on the assumption that at any given time price transmission follows one of two linear error correction regimes will be modified to allow for non-linearity.
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Bratislava 811 05
Tel.: +421-2-5249 8214 Slovenská akadémia vied Stratégia ľudských zdrojov pre výskumníkov (HRS4R)