LM needs - Forecasting Slovak Labour Market Needs in the Medium Term - Up to 2025
Head of projectProf. Dr. Ing. Menbere Workie Tiruneh, PhD.
Members of project
Prof. Dr. Ing. Menbere Workie Tiruneh, PhD., Mgr. Miroslav Štefánik, PhD., RNDr. Branislav Šprocha, PhD., Ing. Marek Radvanský, PhD., RNDr. Viliam Pálenik, PhD., h.doc., Ing. Ivan Lichner, PhD., Ing. Peter Horvát, doc. Ing. Tomáš Domonkos, PhD., Ing. Tatiana Bujňáková, PhD.
Durationof the project: 5/2011-10/2014
ID number: APVV-0541-10The issue of forecasting labour market needs is of a wide interest, especially on the European level. Its importance is stressed also by the newest EUROPE 2020 strategy. Labour market presents a cross-sectional field of interest in every modern society. It determines the economic performance of a country on one hand, and the social situation of the population on the other hand. In case of labour market, self-regulatory mechanisms can take the form of socially inconvenient phenomena, such as increased unemployment. Therefore some interventions into the market are with reason. A necessary precondition of a competent intervention is good information, which can be provided by this project.
Outputs VZAM 2.0 model in XLSX filetype:
Outputs of VZAM 1.1 model in XLSX filetype
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