Ing. Adrián Ondrovič, PhD.
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Adrian Ondrovic joined the Institute of Economic research of SAS in 2013. In the Department of World economy he focuses on research in political economy and geopolitical economy - the processes of globalization, deglobalization and great powers confrontation in particular. Another area of his research covers ecological problems and the climate change as consequences of the contemporary world civilization economic model. His work also includes research in economic theory, in particular normative heterodox economics.
In the decision-making sphere, he took part in the creation of the Environmental strategy of the Slovak Republic as a member of the Green economy and waste management consulting group. He also took part in writing of background studies for the creation of the Economic strategy of the Slovak Republic. For several years he had been a member of the Partnership for Cohesion Policy 2020+ advisory group of the Government Office of the Slovak Republic.
- Ecology and climate change
- Economic theory
- Political economy
- World economy