Publications - Monographs and Scientific Edited Books
The development and perspectives of the world economy: High risks and larger uncertainities
prof. Ing. Saleh Mothana Obadi, PhD.
Ing. Jaroslav Vokoun, Ing. Ivana Šikulová, PhD., Prof. Ing. Milan Šikula, DrSc., prof. Ing. Peter Staněk, CSc., prof. Ing. Juraj Sipko, PhD., MBA., Ing. Paula Puškárová, PhD., Dis. art., Ing. Adrián Ondrovič, PhD., prof. Ing. Saleh Mothana Obadi, PhD., Ing. Matej Korček, PhD., Ing. Veronika Hvozdíková, PhD., Ing. Boris Hošoff, PhD., Ing. Gabriela Dováľová, PhD., Ing. Daneš Brzica, PhD.
- Year: 2016
- Pages: 344
- ISBN 978-80-7144-271-4
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The global economy in recent years characterized by increasingly numerous risks and greater uncertainties. The development of the global economy is still uneven despite the weakening of the position of emerging and developing countries in global economic growth. This year's scientific monograph examines the latest events in the development of the world economy, which are analyzed in detail in separate chapters, taking into account the need to periodically monitor and scientifically analyze the economic activities of regions, where possible, representing the majority of overweight global economy. The monograph is divided into three parts and eleventh chapters, in which the reader will find a bounty of economic information not only about regions, but also about some of the globally major economies.
Presented scientific monograph with eleventh chapters contains specific conclusions of the analysis in part in the individual chapters and sub-chapters, which are summarized in this section. In any case, given the rapid changes in the scene of the world economy, we can state that despite the valuable and lessons learned by this monograph provides a contribution to Slovak economic literature, many unanswered questions remain open, what motivates us to address these questions in our next research.
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