The development and perspectives of the world economy: Finding possible ways of economic recovery at the time of the persisted crisis of trust
2013, 401 s., ISBN 978-80-224-1311-4
THE PARADIGMS OF THE CHANGES IN THE 21ST CENTURY Europe, Slovakia – Connections between the Global Economic and Peace Potential
2013, 273 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-209-7
Views on Structural Aspects of the Slovak Economy
2013, 210 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-216-5
WP 45 What is the role of sovereign funds in the current crisis?
2013, 41 s., ISSN 1337-5598
WP 46 The Actual Implementation of Cohesion policy programmes in Slovakia
2013, 28 s., ISSN 1337-5598
WP 48 Development of Slovak Foreign Trade with Asia in 2000 - 2011
2013, 50 s., ISBN 1337-5598
WP 49 The Slovak Experience with Transition to Market Economy
2013, 47 s., ISSN 1337-5598
WP 50 Employment intensity of economic growth in region V4 and chosen western countries
2013, 39 s., ISSN 1337-5598
WP 53 Impact of export on value added and employment in Slovak economy
2013, 33 s., ISSN-1337-5598
WP 54 Consumer behaviour of EU citizens in relation to the silver economy
2013, 46 s., ISSN 1337-5598
WP 55 Institutional support of the knowledge society
2013, 31 s., ISSN 1337-5598
Acceleration of Economic Growth is Again Postponed Indefinitely (Update of Spring Outlook), 2012
2012, 13 s., ISBN - bez ISBN