Publications - Conference Proceedings
Paradigms of the Future Changes in the 21st Century III. (Europe, Slovakia – Connections between the Global Economic and Peace Potential) Scientific Conference Proceedings
- Year: 2013
- Pages: 287
- ISBN 978-80-7144-212-7
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The Global society is full of contradictions and turbulences, at the beginning of 21st century. In difficulty of these days, there reflects cumulating negative phenomena connected with uncertainties of climatic and natural conditions’ impact , result of crisis in another deepening of income polarisation and resident’s wealth, decrease of global consumption, aging population in advanced countries, migration of population from developed countries, decreasing need of human labor in relation to technological shifts, terrorist attacks and questions about solving food, energetic and information safety, etc.
The Current crisis is uncovering depth of these issues and allows examining contexts and connections. Basic condition of examining mutual connections of touched issues is approach, by the scientific point of view, cross-sectional and interdisciplinary and requires new investigative peep in economy’s area. It is needed to consider if philosophies of a theoretical schools offers the conception of not growing, limited growing or conception of ending economic development in his current understanding. They are not more acceptable than classic conceptions.
The Scientific Conference Proceeding presents results of investigation by authors from different scientific areas. Its ambition is to offer look to areas that touches relevant issue of Global Society, Europe and Slovakia. The Proceedings is divided into 3 parts on purpose. The first part presents sectional view of a current society’s development and possibility of its future development. It includes opinions on society’s development through optical of power elites in questions about geopolitical changes, opinions on fundamentals of neoliberal revolution and its impact on global development, insight to civilizational models and their impact on world’s future, questions about context “social tunnel”, presenting issue of global safety, causes, results and institutional rear for solution of debt crisis in Europe and after all views on determinants of polarization in society through development of inequalities in the Union and Slovakia. Second and third part of the Proceedings is focused on areas that resounds the most nowadays. The second part includes contributions dealing with the debt crisis in the European Union issue from economy and rights level, too. The third part is focused on context generating inequalities in EU and Slovakia.
Thanks to all of my colleagues, who took a part on preparation the Scientific Conference Proceedings
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