Publications - Working Papers IER SAS
WP 47 Demographic development and migration in context of ageing in Slovakia and in selected EU countries (with focus on needs of silver economy)
RNDr. Branislav Šprocha, PhD.
- Year: 2013
- Pages: 56
- ISSN 1337-5598
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The study focuses on the current state and likely future of population ageing in Slovakia and EU 27 and its most important economic partners: Germany, France, Italy, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Austria. We asess likely future developments until 2060 making use of the EUROPOP 2010 population forecast of the EUROSTAT. We take closer look at trends within subpopulation of the population aged 50+ and analyse trends with respect to its size, structury by age and sex as well as important qualitative markers sucha s education and heath status. Increasing human capital accumulated by future elderly is likely to be coupled with their consumer behaviour and aspirations and, therofere, is crutial for any analysis with respect to potential of the silver economy.
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