Publications - Monographs and Scientific Edited Books
THE PARADIGMS OF THE CHANGES IN THE 21ST CENTURY Europe, Slovakia – Connections between the Global Economic and Peace Potential
doc. Ing. Iveta Pauhofová, CSc.
doc. Ing. Tomáš Želinský, PhD., prof. Dr. Štefan Volner, CSc., prof. Dr. Boris Alexandrovič Šmelev, PhD., prof. Ing. Peter Staněk, CSc., Mgr. Ivan Lesay, MA., PhD., Ing. Ján Košta, CSc., prof. PhDr. Ján Keller, CSc., Ing. Boris Hošoff, PhD.
- Year: 2013
- Pages: 273
- ISBN 978-80-7144-209-7
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This third publication in the field of paradigms of the future development in the 21st century, has the ambition to move research from Quest for Configurations and Mosaic of global development through key infrastructure of society and issues shaping controlled companies that were earlier content book edition, the themes of global context of economic and peaceful potential, with a closer focus on Europe and Slovakia. Beginning of the 21st century can be understood as a period full of contradictions which fully exposed the "start" of global crisis processes since 2008. Society percept the individual manifestations of altered climatic and natural conditions, globalization in its economic impact and the various regulatory interventions, deepening polarization of income and wealth, an aging population in some regions and demographic explosions in other parts of the world, reducing the need for human labor in relation to technological shifts threats terrorist attacks, problems in the field of information, energy, food and water security, national and global level. The complexity and time inconsistency is a result of the cumulation referred to events, trends and problems and their internal cohesion of the issue of the impact on society. Search for answers in the plain of further development possibilities of society, marked by an accumulation of many negative phenomena and their turbulence, assumed to choose a new approach in the field of economics. It is necessary to decide whether economic growth can be truly endless, if some theoretical concepts of schools offering the concept of the mineral, limited growth, or the concept of the end of the economic growth in the current understanding, they are more acceptable compared to conventional approaches. Global challenges and the process of transposition of national states to supranational groupings emphasizes the necessity of creating new institutional architecture of global type. The future of Europe is in relation to the debt crisis associated with the problem of sustainability of the social model. While examining the real cost social model from the perspective of the gray areas of the economy is not adequately addressed. Addressing the issue of corruption, tax havens and corporate crime could significantly postpone consideration of the sustainability of the social model. In this context it is also important opinion-forming (and application level) in the understanding of the different models of functioning of society. Not just a form of capitalism, but also on their specific manifestations in different civilization models. Globalization allows greater interaction meanings of heterogeneous models and sub-models. The resulting potential "clash" raises a number of questions about their suitability or unsuitability for the future of humanity. But what is the basis for the assessment of eligibility, respectively. the dominance of the operation of any of the models in the future? From this perspective, it is important to understand the role of the neo-liberal and neo-conservative revolution in the present development. If the current world hit by a number of local armed conflicts, they are a manifestation of "irreconcilability" civilizational models? Or are the result of specific geopolitical decisions by power elites? That is the world in which we live peaceful quiet period and over the last 20-30 years the rate has fallen significantly larger conflicts? This consideration, which to the public presented as reality is illusory and does not reflect reality, which documents the near-east conflict, confrontation in North Africa, the Sudanese genocide problems in Eritrea and Ethiopia, the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, the fact how development can be observed in Southeast Asian countries, but also in South America, and finally also splits within the framework of organized crime in South American countries. One of the most important challenges of technological development is the formation of the relationship between technology and the need to work. What will be the image of society from 20 to 50 or 100 years, if each new generation of technology reduces the need for labor in the production process? It is obvious that this development will directly affect both the field polarization of income and wealth of the population, just like consumption on the national and global levels. They will be all really happy and rich, when the technologies are considered generally positive tool solution to all current difficulties. At the same time clearly answer the question of the future of the global context, dropped in workload and population growth. In the event of unemployment in many countries it is considering a formal compensation for those who retire, by young generation. Such a simple variation encounters at the limits and of pay problems and qualifications which are significantly differentiated between countries. The actual problem of structural unemployment is a clear picture of continual increasing conflict between the need to work, size and structure of available labor resources. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine the actual implementation, for example, one of the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy, which is to increase employment of the population to 75% when it is not clearly articulate what resources can arise in terms of jobs, of which will be funded and what will have a real link at the income situation. In view of the current conditions of stagnation of wages It is questionable whether they are not in the so-called job creation. the poor, who do have jobs but their income will be enough only to ensure the necessary conditions for survival. These issues are a key strategic intents in the EU. In an embodiment of the solution but it lacks consistency to but it is significant for other developed countries of the world. In the absence of systemic nature it should in fact be located one fundamental element that in the knowledge that if most of the problems had outgrown the national level, means that their solution is possible only in conjunction forces at transnational level. Resolving "deposits" society like complex problem is not only the recovery of social relationships, but is moving to a new quality of all existing models of civilization. It is a fundamental premise of a new perspective on the paradigm of the 21st century, which also recommends connectivity, simultaneity, universality, cooperation and trans-national level in implementing the fundamental civilizational challenges. To many causes connection problems concerned the authors of this publication decided to react to the fact that they are looking for and offer a new dimension in view of the challenges of the 21st century. Polarization of income and wealth in society is indeed deepens, but its solution is necessary from 10 to 20 years. Technological change has far more benefits than negatives, but also impact the time we have to deal with. "Win" for civilization model, standing on the foundations of neoliberalism and other models will be gradually closer to him. We have time! But probably it can use one of the mistakes of the current view of world events.
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