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The position of oil and natural gas in energy security of European Union: implications for Slovak republic
Ing. Matej Korček, PhD.
- Year: 2013
- Pages: 185
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Dissertation Thesis
The aim of the dissertation thesis was to assess the importance of crude oil and natural gas for energy security of EU countries and the implications of this state particularly for Slovak republic.
The first chapter is dedicated to theoretical aspects of energy security concept development and importance of crude oil and natural gas for economic development. In second chapter we defined our goals and third chapter summarize the overview of method used in our work. Fourth chapter analyze of historical events and current development on world market of oil and natural gas. Characteristics of described relations are realized mainly via supply and demand analysis. In this chapter we also analyze the energy policy of EU and pay closer attention to the issue of energy security of Slovakia. The fifth chapter includes empirical analyses of energy security of EU by using of Index of energy security. The values of indices indicate that diversification of oil and gas supplier so far did not significantly enhance the energy security of EU. In the second part of this chapter we present the method and results of Granger causality testing between oil and natural gas consumption and economic development. Testing resulted into identification of various relations of causality between variables. Those stress the need of individual approach when EU energy policy is being created. Final part of thesis contains synthesis of partial results and recommendations.
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