Publikácie vydané Ekonomickým ústavom
Insights into the Structural Problems of the Slovak Economy III.
doc. Ing. Karol Morvay, PhD. et al.
2015, 199 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-253-0
Labour market in Slovakia 2016+
JUDr. Mgr. Martina Lubyová, PhD., Mgr. Miroslav Štefánik, PhD. et al.
2015, 241 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-255-4
Paradigms of the Future Changes in the 21st Century (Adaptation processes – the future of Europe and Slovakia)
doc. Ing. Iveta Pauhofová, CSc. ed.
2015, 328 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-249-3
Potential of the Silver Economy in an Ageing Europe dealing with an Ongoing Debt Crisis and Problems in the Labour Market
RNDr. Viliam Pálenik, PhD., h.doc. et al.
2015, 136 s., ISBN 978-86-80394-00-8
The development and perspectives of the world economy: Fragile recovery of the global economy in the time of relatively low crude oil prices and the persisting geopolitical risks
prof. Ing. Saleh Mothana Obadi, PhD.
2015, 336 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-245-5
WP 71 Environmental Tax as the Possible Pillar of EU Own Resources
RNDr. Viliam Pálenik, PhD., h.doc.
2015, 17 s., ISSN 1337-5598
WP 72 Environmental Tax as the Possible Pillar of EU Own Resources
RNDr. Viliam Pálenik, PhD., h.doc.
2015, 17 s., ISSN 1337-5598
WP 73 The determinants of errors and omissions in a small and open economy: The case of Slovakia
Ing. Mária Širaňová, MA., PhD., Prof. Dr. Ing. Menbere Workie Tiruneh, PhD.
2015, 49 s., ISSN 1337-55
WP 74 Structural changes and productivity in the process of real convergence (in the context of Balassa-Samuelson theorem)
Ing. Ivan Okáli, DrSc.
2015, 29 s., ISSN 1337-5598
WP 75 Economic performance and economic structure: implications for industrial policy
Kolektív autorov
2015, 26 s., ISSN 1337-5598
WP 76 Changes in the income structure: valuations, determinants and perspectives
doc. Ing. Karol Morvay, PhD.
2015, 23 s., ISSN 1337-5598
WP 77 Implementation of Cohesion Policy in Slovakia in thematic, regional and socio-economic context
Kolektív autorov
2015, 50 s., ISSN 1337-5598
WP 78 Opportunities to increase inflow of foreign direct investments and to utilize them better in Slovakia
Ing. Ivana Šikulová, PhD.
2015, 31 s., ISSN 1337-5598
WP 79 Is education system a driver or an obstacle to progressive structural changes in economy of the Slovak Republic?
Juraj Vantuch
2015, 69 s., ISSN 1337-5598
WP 81 The impact of crude oil prices on redistribution of the wealth in the world (selected aspects)
Ing. Beáta Csanková, doc. Ing. Iveta Pauhofová, CSc., hosťujúca profesorka
2015, 37 s., ISSN 1337-5598
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