Publikácie vydané Ekonomickým ústavom - Monographs and Scientific Edited Books
The development and perspectives of the world economy: Finding possible ways of economic recovery at the time of the persisted crisis of trust
prof. Ing. Saleh Mothana Obadi, PhD.
Ing. Jaroslav Vokoun, Ing. Ivana Šikulová, PhD., Prof. Ing. Milan Šikula, DrSc., prof. Ing. Peter Staněk, CSc., Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Rudolf Sivák, PhD., prof. Ing. Saleh Mothana Obadi, PhD., Ing. Veronika Hvozdíková, PhD., Ing. Boris Hošoff, PhD., Ing. Gabriela Dováľová, PhD., Ing. Tatiana Bujňáková, PhD., Ing. Daneš Brzica, PhD., Ing. Mariam Abdová
- Year: 2013
- Pages: 401
- ISBN 978-80-224-1311-4
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The global economy is undergoing historically one of the most difficult periods. The implications of persistent international financial and economic crisis in some economies have been destructive. Anti-crisis measures taken so far have not produced the desired results, and even lead to mistrust in the ability of policy makers to find a suitable solution for enhanced international economic crisis. The global economy still faces many challenges and obstacles that must be overcome. Over 200 million working population worldwide is without work (which necessitates the creation of new jobs), and it increases the gap between rich and poor layer, which is to take effective measures to reduce income inequality and poverty. Another challenge is the consolidation of public finances in many key economies, but especially in the so-called peripheral eurozone countries. Another challenge that affects all countries, but especially in emerging and developing countries, are coping with the high prices of primary commodities and dampen inflationary pressures arising from them. Equally important challenge is the long term solution to the problem of global imbalances. This problem (as we emphasized many times in our publications) as one of the key factors that led to the outbreak of the recent crisis, which remains unnoticed, eventually, given the reluctance of key economies in the world, the solution is pushed back indefinitely, which can be considered as a time- bomb of the global economy. The top challenge for the global economy remains the economic recovery on the path to achiving a sustainable economic growth.
In the medium to long term, it can be deduced direction and prospects of the global economy at least by region. Emerging Asian and Latin American countries are in a growing trend. United States and Japan are indeed important drivers of the global economy, but face serious challenges related to total debt and deficits. Europe, in addition to failling found yet effective model to overcome its economic problems, especially debt crisis, passes historic and at the same time difficult process consisting of the new architecture of institutional infrastructure and integration. We must not forget, of course, the two regions, the Middle East and North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa, which recorded remarkable economic growth, especially after decades of stagnation (applies especially to sub-Saharan Africa), and have a great perspective considering the exclusion of political and military conflicts in particular.
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