The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy: Fragmentation, Polarization, and a New Form of Integration
2024, 322 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-347-6
The Development of Crude Oil and Natural Gas Prices and the Energy Security of the European Union
2024, 205 s., ISBN 979-8-89113-357-0
70 rokov výskumu v Ekonomickom ústave Slovenskej akadémie vied. Ľudia a spomienky 1953 – 2023
2023, 275 s., ISBN ISBN 978-80-7144-338-4
The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy: Where is the Conflict in Ukraine Taking Global Society?
2023, 318 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-335-3
(Sur)reality of integration and real convergence in the European Union: economic and legal context
2022, 152 s., ISBN 978-80-7160-674-1
The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy: Causes and Consequences of Rising Prices
2022, 302 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-329-2
Súvislosti produktivity práce a minimálnej mzdy
2021, 200 s., ISBN 978-80-224-1934-5
The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy: Environmental and Social Background of the Economy
2021, 308 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-324-7
Contradictions in Employment Development in Light of Anticipated Demographic and Structural Changes in Slovakia II.
2020, 139 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-316-2
The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy: Transformation during the Pandemic of Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
2020, 254 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-314-8
Smart regióny v Slovenskej republike - možnosti a realita
2019, 120 s., ISBN 978-80-7598-419-7
The Development and Perspectives of the World Economy: Growth Slowdown Due to Trade Tensions
2019, 346 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-306-3
WP 106 The context of polarization and systemic implications of the 4th industrial revolution
2019, 32 s., ISSN 1337-5598
Institutional Preparedness for Digitalization and Changes in the External Environment
2018, 238 s., ISBN 978-80-7144-292-9