Micro macro modeling in Slovak conditions
Duration of the project: 01/2021 - 12/2023
ID number: VEGA 2/0150/21
CIRCMIGR - Improving circular migration between Belarus and Poland, Slovakia and Czechia
Duration of the project: 03/2020 - 02/2021
ID number: IVF 21930098
Project Leader:
CASE - Center for Social and Economic Research www.case-research.eu/en
Project Partners:
CASE Belarus - Center for Social and Economic Research Belarus: www.case-belarus.eu
Institute for Politics and Society: www.politikaspolecnost.cz
Institute of Economic Research SAS: www.ekonom.sav.sk/en
Youth Labour Rights: www.ylar.by
Project sponsor: International Visegrad Fund
Flexibilita štruktúry ekonomiky a environmentálne zmeny: výzvy pre mestá a firmy
Duration of the project: 01/2020 - 12/2023
ID number: VEGA 2/0111/21
Transition from high to low dependence on public transfers in old age: can the multi-pillar pension system handle the negative consequences of population ageing?
Duration of the project: 7/2020 - 06/2024
ID number: APVV-19-0352
Assessment and Prediction of Changes in the Slovak Economy in the Context of (Dis)Integration Tendencies in the EU
Duration of the project: 2019 - 2022
Project Number: 2/0097/19
Energetická bezpečnosť a udržateľná konkurencieschopnosť: implikácie pre Európsku úniu
Duration of the project: 2019 - 2022
ID number: VEGA 2/0007/19
Reálna konvergencia v Európskej únii: empirické dôkazy a implikácie
Duration of the project: 2019 - 2022
ID number: VEGA 2/0167/19
Reálna konvergencia v Európskej únii: empirické dôkazy a implikácie
Duration of the project: 2019 - 2022
ID number: VEGA 2/0167/19
Reálna konvergencia v Európskej únii: empirické dôkazy a implikácie
Duration of the project: 2019 - 2022
ID number: VEGA 2/0167/19
System implications of the fourth industrial revolution and adaptation processes of the information society (economic, technological and cultural aspects)
Doba riešenia projektu: 2019 - 2022
Evidenčné číslo projektu: VEGA 2/0002/19
Systemic risk on financial markets: interconnectedness of financial institutions
Duration of the project: 07/2019 - 12/2022
ID number: APVV-18-0335
Attractiveness of country and large-scale cities in terms of mobility of talents
Duration of the project: 1/2018 - 12/2020
ID number: VEGA 2/0138/18
Attractiveness of country and large-scale cities in terms of mobility of talents
Duration of the project: 1/2018 - 12/2020
ID number: VEGA 2/0138/18
Balancing out the imbalances: redifining the view on macroeconomic imbalances under the european governance framework
Duration of the project: 7/2018 – 6/2022
ID number: APVV-17-0551
Discovering job Knowledge through Web Analytics towards facilitated mobility of European Professionals and Refugees Career Integration (DISKOW)
Duration of the project: 9/2018 - 8/2021
ID number: 2018-1-DE02-KA202-005215