All news
The Competition for PhD students of the SAS
Congratulations to our PhD student!
Participation in the International Conference INFER 2024
Representatives of the Institute of Economic Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences participated in the annual conference INFER 2024
The effect of cigarette taxation on Slovak demand and tax revenue.
IER SAS Empirical Seminar
We would like to invite you to the Empirical Seminar.
Training School of "Quantitative evaluation methods" in Athens.
Bilateral mobility project DAAD-SAS
Launching of the project between IER SAS and Zeppelin University.
IER SAS Empirical Seminar
We would like to invite you to the Empirical Seminar.
We are delighted with the success of our colleagues.
Congratulations to the members of the research team of the project VEGA 2/0101/21.
IER SAS Empirical Seminar
We would like to invite you to the Empirical Seminar.
Representatives of the Institute of Economic Research of the SAS actively participated in The International Conference
The International Conference on Complex Data in Econometrics and Statistics – Limassol, Cyprus.
IER SAS Empirical Seminar
We would like to invite you to the Empirical Seminar.
Bilateral meeting at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria
On February 27, 2024, we participated in a bilateral meeting at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria.
Registration for the scientific conference EKOMSTAT 2024 is now open
You are invited to register to the 37th edition of scientific conference EKOMSTAT which will take place in Trenčianske Teplice from 2nd June to 5th June 2024.
Taxation of tobacco products
Our colleagues participated in international conferences dedicated to the taxation of tobacco products in Banja Luka and Istanbul.
IER SAS Empirical Seminar
We would like to invite you to the Empirical Seminar.
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Bratislava 811 05
Tel.: +421-2-5249 5480
Fax: +421-2-5249 5106 Slovenská akadémia vied Stratégia ľudských zdrojov pre výskumníkov (HRS4R)