On the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the establishment of the Slovak Republic, President Peter Pellegrini awarded state honours. He awarded extraordinary or significant merits for the benefit of the Slovak Republic, democracy, defense and security of the state, activity results or other exceptional actions. Among the 18 figures of social, cultural and sporting life was also the former director of the Institute of Economic Research SAS, prof. Ing. Juraj Sipko, PhD., MBA, who was awarded the Order of Ludovit Stur, second class for extraordinary spreading of the good name of the Slovak Republic abroad. The ceremony took place on Saturday evening, January 11, 2025 in the building of the Slovak Philharmonic. It is an honor not only for our Institute, but also for the Slovak Academy of Sciences. We heartily congratulate the professor.
Institute of Economic Research SAS
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eusav.director@savba.sk Slovenská akadémia vied Stratégia ľudských zdrojov pre výskumníkov (HRS4R)
Sancova 56
Bratislava 811 05
Tel.: +421-2-5249 8214
eusav.director@savba.sk Slovenská akadémia vied Stratégia ľudských zdrojov pre výskumníkov (HRS4R)
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