Economic and social context of Slovakia’s Integration into the EU
Head of projectProf. Ing. Milan Šikula, DrSc.
Members of project
Ing. Jaroslav Vokoun, Milota Šujanová, Ivan Šujan, prof. Ing. Peter Staněk, CSc., PhDr. Borislav Petrík, RNDr. Viliam Pálenik, PhD., h.doc., Doc. Ing. Richard Outrata, PhD., Ing. Ivan Okáli, DrSc., prof. Ing. Saleh Mothana Obadi, PhD., doc. Ing. Karol Morvay, PhD., Ing. Vladimír Kvetan, Miroslav Kotov, Ing. Ján Košta, CSc., Ľudmila Kormanová, prof. Ing. Anton Klas, CSc., Ing. Mária Kačírková, PhDr Vilma Juríčková, CSc., doc.Ing. Jan Iša, DrSc., Jana Hrivnáková, Egon Hlavatý, Ing. Michaela Gajdošová, PhD., Ing. Herta Gabrielová, CSc., Ján Ďuraš, Ing. Daneš Brzica, PhD.
The project was elaborated on the incentive of the Slovak government and on the basis of a specific grant from the State Budget of SR. Duration of the project: 01/2003 − 06/2003
External co-workers:
Božík, M.
Buček, M. ,
Kellenbergerová, K.
Kluvánková-Oravská, T.
Poledna, J.
Rehák, Š.
Rybárová, S.
Slimák, D.
Šipikal, M.
Tvrdoň , J.
Tvrdoňová, J.The project links up with the previous one devoted to the integration issues and responds to ongoing preparation for the EU enlargement in its organs, in the member and candidate countries. Its basic objective is to substantiate the necessity of pro-integration adaptation of the Slovak economy. In the project the process of economic integration is not seen as a one-shot act but a dynamic process in which the advantages and disadvantages are not given a priori but that are formulated in accordance to adaptation quality with which the integrating entities respond to occurring opportunities as well as to emerging risks. The need for flexible pro-integration adaptation is also emphasized by the fact that the conditions of the present candidate countries’ accession will be more complicated and more dynamic then during the previous enlargements. From this viewpoint, the major fields of economy are analysed and conceptual bases for economic-policy decisions are formulated.
The European Union becomes the subject that co-determines economic policy of the SR. Therefore the question of how the EU impact will influence (and is influencing already) selected spheres of the SR economic policy is analysed in the project as well as the bases for SR economic policy in the stage of its integration into the EU are formulated there. A group of fundamental questions – balanced approach to the SR accession into the Monetary Union, orientation of regional policy of the SR and in its framework also the utilization of the EU Structural Funds, application of targeted approach to foreign investments, application of Common Agricultural Policy - is being solved in the study from the view of strategic objectives of Slovakia’s economic development.
Labour market and social situation of households represent the most problematic task of the Slovak economy. Job creation should therefore become the bearing element of all economic policy components, as well as of strategic corporate intentions. The project pays attention to the question of how the solution of these tasks could support more intensive foreign investments inflow and structural funds resources.
Using the model calculations the development trends up to the year 2010 at the level of national economy, particular regions as well as industries have been investigated. The development trends expressly show the positive impact of integration on the Slovak economy and its convergence with the EU.ŠIKULA, M. et al.: Economic and Social Context of Slovakia’s Integration into the European Union. Bratislava: Institute of Slovak and World Economy SAS, 2003, 383 pp. ISBN 80-7144-135-X. (in Slovak)
ŠIKULA, M. et al.: Economic and Social Context of Slovakia’s Integration into the European Union. Summary. Bratislava: Institute of Slovak and World Economy SAS, 2003, 383 pp. ISBN 80-7144-135-X. (in English)
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