CENTROPE Capacity – Regional Development Report
Head of projectIng. Karol Frank, PhD.
Members of project
Ing. Ivana Šikulová, PhD., doc. Ing. Martin Lábaj, PhD., Ing. Tomáš Jeck, PhD.
Duration of the project: 2010 - 2012
Financed by European Union Regional Development Fund. CENTRAL Europe - Cooperating for Success.The CENTROPE Region as one of the most important cross-border economic areas at the former external border of the European Union is characterised by substantial internal disparities and – at the same time – by increased integration and cross-border co-operation. Once the remaining institutional barriers to cross border exchange will be removed, it can be expected that the region will develop into a highly integrated economic area. If this integration shall be supported, cross-border analysis as well as policy co-operation have to be enforced.
The CENTROPE Regional Development Report will be one instrument (as part of a bigger “tool-box”) to provide regular transnational analysis and policy recommendations. The concept is based on the experiences of the CENTROPE Business & Labour Report, which was elaborated as a prototype in 2007. This pilot project showed that such an annual report on the economic and labour market development of the CENTROPE Region can provide an important common information basis for future policy initiatives. Yet, to reach this objective major efforts are necessary to improve the data as well as analytical methodology.
URL:, Petr - FRANK, Karol - KOUBA, Ludek - HUBER, Peter - LADOS, Mihaly - RÖMISCH, Roman. CENTROPE regional development report 2010. Returning to growth. Wien : Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, 2010. 188 p. (Centrope - Správa o regionálnom rozvoji).
ROZMAHEL, Petr - FRANK, Karol - KOUBA, Luděk - HUBER, Peter - LADOS, Mihaly - RÖMISCH, Roman. CENTROPE Regional Development Report 2011. Long Run Growth and Demographic Challenges[online]. Wien : Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (WIFO), 2011. 181 p
FRANK, Karol - HUBER, Peter - LADOS, Mihaly - RÖMISCH, Roman - ROZMAHEL, Petr. CENTROPE regional development report 2012. Project summary and policy conclusions [online]. Wien : Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (WIFO), 2012. 95 S. CENTROPE regional development report, October 2012.
ROZMAHEL, Petr - FRANK, Karol - KOUBA, Luděk - NAJMAN, Nikola - LITZMAN, Marek - NÁRAI, Mátra - HUBER, Peter. Focus and stock taking report on human capital, education and labour markets in the CENTROPE [online]. Wien : Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (WIFO), 2012. 279 S. CENTROPE regional development report., May 2012.
FRANK, Karol - HUBER, Peter - JECK, Tomáš - LÁBAJ, Martin - ŠIKULOVÁ, Ivana - KUKORELLI, Irén - ROZMAHEL, Petr. Focus and stock taking report on the service industry as a growth factor in CENTROPE [online]. Wien : Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (WIFO), 2012. 132 S. CENTROPE regional development report, October 2012
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