International scientific conference regarding the economic modelling of european environmental tax
The scientific conference Capabilities and limitations of the economic modelling of european environmental tax as an EU own resource, will take place 12th November 2015 at assembly hall of the Comenius University in Bratislava
Registration on scientific conference Inclusive Growth and Employment in Europe is opened
Registration on scientific conference Inclusive Growth and Employment in Europe is available until July 31st 2015
Registration on scientific conference Paradigms of the future changes in the 21st century V. ends 30.6.2015
Registration of participation and contribution to proceedings on conference PARADIGMS OF THE FUTURE CHANGES IN THE 21ST CENTURY V. Adaptation processes - the Future of Europe and Slovakia, which will be held 10.9.2015 in Small congress center of SAS, ends 30.6.2015.
The IER Seminar in Empirical Economics
We would like to invite you all for the 20th IER seminar series in empirical economics that will
be held at the library of the Institute of Economics at Šancová 56, Bratislava on January 16th,
2014 at 13:30.
14th Seminar in Empirical Economics
We kindly invite you to attend the 14th Seminar in Empirical Economics at the Institute of Economic Research, June 19, 2013 at 1pm
The Paradigms of the Future Changes in the 21st Century III.
We would like to invite You to the international scientific conference The Paradigms of the Future Changes in the 21st Century III. (Europe, Slovakia - Connections between the Global Economic and Peace Potential) at Smolenice Castle, 16th - 18th September 2013
Eurofórum on the topic: The situation in the relations between supermarket chains and their suppliers of food
Invitation to Euro-fórum on the topic: The situation in the relations between supermarket chains and their suppliers of food
Euroforum on the topic: Stability bonds
Institute of Economic Research of SAS would like to invite you to Euroforum on the topic: Stability bonds
Medzinárodná konferencia
Determinanty polarizácie bohatstva v globalizovanom svete (súčasnosť a budúcnosť)
V4 monitor priamych zahraničných investícií a zahraničného obchodu – V4 Trade and FDI Observer
Dňa 23. Mája 2012 sa v Budapešti uskutoční prezentácia výsledkov projektu financovaného z Višegrádskeho fondu (Malý grant číslo 11140172) zameraného na monitoring priamych zahraničných investícii a zahraničného obchodu v krajinách V4. Viac informácií v priloženej pozvánke.
Sancova 56
Bratislava 811 05
Tel.: +421-2-5249 8214 Slovenská akadémia vied Stratégia ľudských zdrojov pre výskumníkov (HRS4R)