Institute of Economic Research SAS participated on a joint workshop with Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (AAU) on the topic of "Models and Methods for Analysing Regional and National Economic Policies", which was held on March 31, 2017 in Klagenfurt. Issues discussed at the workshop featured the effects and the implementation of European Structural Funds in the conditions of Slovakia, macroeconomic surveillance and fiscal policies at EU level, specific case studies for Austria and Slovenia, and heuristic approach for calculating optimal policies for countries in a monetary union.
Institute of Economic Research was represented by Marek Radvansky, currently involved in post-doc research stay at the AAU, Ivan Lichner and Tomas Miklosovic from the Dept. of Economic Modelling and Analyses, and Filip Ostrihon and Maria Siranova from the Department of Empirical Research.
The Department of Economics of AAU Klagenfurt was represented by prof. Reinhard Neck, Klaus Weyerstraß, Dmitri Blüschke and prof. Norbert Wohlgemuth.
The program of the workshop was as follows: