VI. International Scientific Conference "Paradigms of future changes in the 21st century: Adaptation processes and pulsating economy" was held in the Congress Centre Smolenice SAS on June 27th to 29th. The conference was organized by Institute of Economic Research - the Department of World Economy, Slovak Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics and Business Pan-European University in Bratislava, Faculty of Economics Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, Slovak University of Technology Trnava, Institute for Social and Economic Research, Ufa Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Economics and Management USATU, Ufa. The event was realized with financial assistance from ZSE, E.ON a.s.
Gestor of conference Iveta Pauhofova conceived conference with a focus on integration and globalization processes, adaptation processes and changes of natural environment, management of the economy (national economy, business), the impact of technological changes on the labor market and society, polarization, inequality, poverty and global social parasitism, income stratification and perspectives polarization of Slovak society to 2030.
The first day of the conference began with the plenary session; introductory lecture of Frantisek Ochrana from Charles University in Prague „The choice of paradigm and methodology in social and economic sciences and its impact on solving scientific problems“ included methodological issues of the conference. The lecture was followed up by Iveta Pauhofova with contribution focused on the essence of problems with global society’s adaptation and to characterize pulsating economy in recent decades. Milan Sikula clarified in his lecture new trends in adaptations of state functions in the current conditions of globalization and integration processes. Contribution „China and the West. What connects the Silk Road“ by Oskar Krejci caught attention of listeners; outlined the context of geopolitical and civilizational character of the Asian region too. Andrej Sabanov, adviser – ambassador from the Russian Federation Embassy in the Slovak Republic, focused his lecture on geopolitics of Russia in the current conditions, pointing to specific factors of existing relationship between the Russian Federation and the European Union. The afternoon section was opened by and in developing previous topic continued Larisa Ismagilova from the Russian Federation; in her contribution with Nina Klimova from Ural center of Russian Academy of Sciences analysed the impact of economic sanctions between the Russian Federation and the European Union on their economic development. On the changes of energo sector´s determinants in terms of a pulsating economy focused his contribution Stefan Volner. The last lecture in the plenary session was the performance of Peter Stanek; who concentrated his speech on the 5th civilization break and 4th industrial revolution. The plenary session was closed by suggestive discussion. At the end of the first day was held the launch of two scientific monographs - „The context of income polarization in Slovakia“ by Iveta Pauhofová et al. „Adaptation processes and pulsating economy“ by Iveta Pauhofová and Peter Staněk and conference proceedings of a scientific contributions - „Paradigms of future changes in the 21st century" with the subtitle "Adaptation processes and pulsating economy“. The Launch of publications was preceded by the medallion: 2x Manon and 1x Marina in the recitation of Marina Kralovicova and Tatiana Pauhofova accompanied by sword master Peter Koza. Difficult social issues presented in the plenary session of the first day of the conference was interrupted with an ambition to "lighten up" by Ceremony in the castle with the participation of invited guests; whom thanks to, some of the conference’s topic could be informally discussed. The historic castle atmosphere was strengthened by retinue of Journeymen ancient martial arts and crafts.
On the second day the conference continued with the section sessions. The first section was focused on the Management of the economy (national economy, business), which was moderated by Larisa Ismagilova and Peter Sakal. The first section’s first lecture by Magdalena Kotýnková from the University of Economics in Prague, presented the impact of digitalization of economic activity on the labor market in context of the Industry 4.0. Ladislav Lukáš from the University of West Bohemia was devoted to the macroeconomic analysis of the Visegrad Four countries in the period 1997-2010 in his lecture; using differential geometry. The current preparation of industrial development’s strategy in the Republic of Bashkortostan, RF, took methodological platform, including regional and industrial approaches’ modelling and, at the same time, support to prospective enterprises. It was a common contribution by Liliya Bukharbaeva and Larisa Ismagilova from USATU in Ufa. Contribution from the enterprise level delivered Lukas Jurik, who was focused on competency models and their role in building a sustainable development of industrial enterprises. The conference program continued with the second section, which was focused on The perspective of social polarization that was moderated by Peter Stanek and Iveta Pauhofova. The first contribution was by Lubomir Kadlecik and Ivan Laska from TREXIMA. They have dealt with the impact of structural changes in business economy in the Slovak Republic on wages development. To follow up their lecture Gabriela Dovalova presented contribution focused on the differentiation in consumption at household level in the Slovak Republic on incomes inequality. Quality of life formulated Eva Smolková as philosophical and economic problems; in the speech emphasized the inadequate solutions in access to citizen health and the status quo of Slovak public health care. The last lecture was completed by contribution of Marek Sarmir, who was focused on reducing wealth inequalities in his speech; by increasing the financial literacy of the population using the Internet platform. After completion of the individual sections; substantive discussions has begun. Lecturers, but also themselves interlocutors and moderators with their contributions, professional and scientific observations fulfilled the aims of the conference and have comprehensively approached the issue of the conference from global level - to the level of geopolitical enterprises.
The accompanying cultural program of the conference, which was vernissage - art and literary works of the young generation - project „Young people and science“ and the evaluation of the competition for the prize historian Frantiska Cechova. It was preceded by a round table discussion on the topic: “The world has changed radically, do you want to change too?“. Discussion was lectured and led by Iveta Pauhofova, gestor of the conference. In practice it turned out that it was the right choice to attract the younger generation on issues of the future through the project „Young people and science“ and to promote solutions to scientific problems in Slovakia.
At the evaluation of children and young people took part the vice-mayor of Pezinok – the city, where the project was realized. Big part of artistic and literary works travels as an exhibition to the Office of the Children's Commissioner after the vernissage. Co-organizer of the vernissage – REVIA, o. z. from Pezinok provides placement of all nominated works to time capsule in the city’s archives. The reason is to make possible to compare current visions of children about their future with reality in 2030.
For more information visit conference website at:
Text: Iveta Pauhofova, Monika Sujakova, Lukas Jurik
Photo and video : Katarina Harsanyova
Documents regarding the plennary session for a download:
- František Ochrana - Volba paradigmatu a metodologie v sociálních a ekonomických vědách
- Iveta Pauhofová - Adaptačné procesy a pulzujúca ekonomika
- Milan Šikula - Nové tendencie v adaptácii funkcií štátu v súčasných podmienkach
- Oskar Krejčí - Čína a Západ. Co spojuje hedvábná stezka
- Andrej Šabanov - Geopolitika Ruska v súčasných podmienkach
- Larisa Ismagilova
- Štefan Volner - Determinanty zmien energosektora z pohľadu pulzujúcej ekonomiky
Program of plennary session you can find HERE
Documents regarding the section session for a download:
- Magdalena Kotýnková - Prumysl 4.0
- Ladislav Lukáš - Some Comparative Macroeconomic Analysis of Visegrad Countries
- Lukáš Jurík - Využitie kompetenčných modelov manažérov ako cesty k udržateľnému rozvoju...
- Ivan Láska, Ľubomír Kadlečík - Dopad štruktúrnych zmien ekonomiky podnikov v SR na vývoj miezd
- Gabriela Dováľová - Vývoj diferencií v oblasti spotreby na Slovensku
- Eva Smolková - Kvalita života ako filozofický a ekonomický problém
- Marek Šarmír - Znižovanie majetkovej nerovnosti prostredníctvom zvyšovania finančnej gramotnosti
The sections sessions with appearances you can find HERE
Launch of the publications and cultural program you can find HERE
Round Table and the results of the competition "Young people and science", you can find HERE
Record of the vernissage you can find HERE