Institute of Economic Research SAS has organized a scientific conference on the topic Views on structural problems in the Slovak economy. The conference took place December 11th 2015 in Small congress center SAS in Bratislava.
It is the final conference dedicated to the presentation of the conclusions of the project APVV 0750-11 " Structural changes in the Slovak economy- determinant of transition to a higher stage of development " Each presentation focuses one of the main areas of research in the project, eg .:
- Links between the structure of production, export and economic performance.
- Relationship between structural changes and convergence of economies.
- Change In employment and income, depending on the structural changes in the economy.
- Influence of external sources (mainly EU funds) on the structural changes in the domestic economy.
Program of the Conference
Opening address - Juraj Sipko
Introduction of main areas of strucural problems research and main findings - Karol Morvay
Is there a link between the economic level, economic structures and specialization of exports? - Daniel Dujava and Martin Lábaj
Coffee Break
Structural changes, labor productivity and progress in real convergence - Ivan Okáli
Business environment quality and innovation activity- a base for the structural change - Tomáš Jeck
11.10- 11.30
EU cohesion policy and its influence on regional economic structure - Karol Frank
Expoliting the potential of FDI - inflow in the Slovak economy - Ivana Šikulová
Changes in the income structure: evaluations, causes and perspectives - Karol Morvay
Discussion and conclusions
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