Publications - Monographs and Scientific Edited Books
Insights into the Structural Problems of the Slovak Economy III.
doc. Ing. Karol Morvay, PhD.
Ing. Ivana Šikulová, PhD., Ing. Ivan Okáli, DrSc., doc. Ing. Martin Lábaj, PhD., Ing. Tomáš Jeck, PhD., Ing. Karol Frank, PhD., doc. Ing. Daniel Dujava, PhD.
- Year: 2015
- Pages: 199
- ISBN 978-80-7144-253-0
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Everyone who is engaged in the nation economy knows that there is a countless number of different structural problems. That is because the structure of the economy can be seen in many ways and there is a huge number of different approaches to the analysis of the structural problems. No publication can cover them all. In this collective monograph, we have tried to select several possible and relevant approaches. The research of the various structures is not a matter of favor; rather it is objectively given by the existing complexity of the economy.
We utilize the approach with the structure of economic activities (industries or products), structure of income or regional structures. The book „Insights into the Structural Problems of the Slovak Economy III.“ is a continuation of a series of publications that map structural problems, relationships between them, the reasons for the persistence of these problems and the possibilities of economic policy influence.
We have avoided the self-serving analyzing of structural changes and rather preferred interconnection of them with other economic phenomena. So the new connections emerged like structural changes, economic level and convergence, structural changes and wage levels or structural changes in the economy and external resources of the economy. These connections determine the structure of the book.
Based on the findings of earlier research phases (the outcome of which was the previous edition of this series of publications), the three main areas were formed and reflect in the publication:
• 1st area: Economic Level, Convergence, and Structural Changes
• 2nd area: (Non-)Utilization of External Resources in Slovak Structural Changes Promotion
• 3rd area: Context of Structural Changes and Income and Employment Development
We have tried to identify principles of how discovered structural problems influence other phenomena in the economy, performance, and parameters of socio-economic development. When compared to previous publications, there is enhanced emphasis on the implications for economic policy in this publication.
The third part of our series of publications is the final piece addressing the research project „Structural changes in the Slovak economy – the Assumption for Transition to a Higher Phase of Development“. However, it is definitely not the end of our research interest in the structural changes in the Slovak economy. After all, the research in this intricate field has formulated new research questions – and that is the reason why the research in this field is so interesting.
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