New trends and phenomenons in international trade, foreign investment, migration and competitiveness: implications for enlarged EU
Head of projectprof. Ing. Saleh Mothana Obadi, PhD.
Members of project
prof. Ing. Saleh Mothana Obadi, PhD., Ing. Matej Korček, PhD.
Duration of the project: 01/2006 – 12/2008
ID: 2/6050/6
Dynamism of world trade and its inter-regional and commodity tendencies. Intra- and inter-regional trade, regional and branch concentration of trade, intra-industry and intra-firm international trade and their determinants. Inter-regional differentiation of foreign direct investment from view of host and investor countries. TNC, strategies for foreign direct investment, regional and branch concentration of foreign direct investors. Position of labour migration within international economic relations and in the EU Single Market. New aspects of migration in integration process. International comparative analysis of competitiveness and its connections with new phenomenons in international trade and FDI.
OBADI S. M. (2007): Regional Intergration and Intra-regional Trade: A Comparative Analysis. Journal of Politická ekonómie No. 2/2007, p. 41-59, The University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic.
OBADI, Saleh Mothana. Do Oil Prices Depend on the Value of US Dollar? In Ekonomický časopis, 2006, roč. 54, č. 3, s. 253- 265. (0.204 - IF2005). (2006 - Current Contents, WOS). ISSN 0013-3035.
OBADI, Saleh Mothana.The impact of Weakening US dollar on alleviating the high oil prices : the case of slovak and czech economies. In Ekonomický časopis, 2008, roč. 56, č. 5, s. 515-525. (0.115 - IF2007). (2008 - Current Contents, WOS, SCOPUS). ISSN 0013-3035.
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