Economic and social issues of the Slovak Republic integration with the European Union – risks and benefits
Head of projectDoc. Ing. Richard Outrata, PhD.
Members of project
Ing. Jaroslav Vokoun, Milota Šujanová, Ivan Šujan, Prof. Ing. Milan Šikula, DrSc., prof. Ing. Peter Staněk, CSc., PhDr. Borislav Petrík, RNDr. Viliam Pálenik, PhD., h.doc., Ing. Ivan Okáli, DrSc., doc. Ing. Karol Morvay, PhD., Miroslav Kotov, Ing. Ján Košta, CSc., Rudolf Kostolanský, Ľudmila Kormanová, prof. Ing. Anton Klas, CSc., Ing. Mária Kačírková, PhDr Vilma Juríčková, CSc., doc.Ing. Jan Iša, DrSc., Egon Hlavatý, Ing. Michaela Gajdošová, PhD., Ing. Herta Gabrielová, CSc., Ing. Daneš Brzica, PhD., Viliam Belko
The project was elaborated on the decree of the Slovak government. Duration of the project: 01/2002 – 06/2002
External cooperation:
Milan Buček at al., University of Economics, Bratislava
Marian Božík, The Research Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics, BratislavaGOVERNMENT PROJECT
The study „Economic and social issues of the Slovak Republic integration with the European Union – risks and benefits“ is the first complex research work in Slovakia in which the weak and strong sides of the Slovak economy were identified, its chances and opportunities, as well as risks and threats connected with the integration of Slovakia to the EU. At the same time variant scenarios of convergence adjustment of the economy were elaborated. Theoretical analysis contained in this study results in economic-political incentives towards effective strategy of the Slovak economy integration with the EU and its negotiation processes.
OUTRATA, Richard and social issues of the Slovak Republic integration with the European Union – risks and benefits. Bratislava: Ústav slovenskej a svetovej ekonomiky SAV, 2002. 396 s. ISBN 80-7144-125-2. (in Slovak)
OUTRATA, Richard Economic and social issues of the Slovak Republic integration with the European Union – risks and benefits. Summary Bratislava: Ústav slovenskej a svetovej ekonomiky SAV, 2002. 58 s.
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