Analytical paraphrase of transitive economy behaviour (case of Slovak republic)
Head of projectRNDr. Viliam Pálenik, PhD., h.doc.
Members of project
Peter Ondko, Ing. Vladimír Kvetan, Jana Hrivnáková, Ing. Karol Frank, PhD., Ján Ďuraš
Duration of the project/from to: 08/2003 − 12/2005
Registration number: 2003 SP 51/028 06 00/028 06 05/ 2 / 2This work is a part of the research project „Globalization, integration and accomplishment of transformation – determining routes of economic development in Slovakia and creation of economic assumptions for modernization of the Slovak society“ where in terms of its second segment a part of the editorial team try to describe the transitive economy behaviour with the help of mathematical economics. Its development was divided into separate parts of transformation. The authors decided to use IS-LM approach for the solution of this task.
The aim of the authors was to modify the standard open Mundel-Fleming model in order to describe the transformation process. One of the points is to try to enhance the transformation theory. A research defined like this is unique in Slovak conditions.
The core of this work was to enter the augmented model in formalized form so that it takes into account the main specification of the transitive economy. In the same time it will be simple enough to reach explicit solutions in analytical form.LUPTÁČIK, J., PÁLENÍK, V., KVETAN, V., ĎURÁŠ, J., HRIVŇÁKOVÁ, J., ONDKO, P., Formalized model of transitive economy – case of SR, Politická ekonomie, Vol. 54, No. 2 (2006), pp. 227.-246.
LUPTAČIK, J., ĎURÁŠ, J., HRIVNÁKOVÁ, J., KVETAN, V., ONDKO, P., PÁLENÍK, V., Formalized model of transitive economy of Slovakia, Journal of economics, 53, 2005, No.1, pp. 33 – 48
KVETAN V. – PÁLENÍK V. Effectiveness of Monetary Policy under Conditions of Transitive and Acceding Economy (Case of Slovak Republic). In Forecasting Financial
Markets and Economic Decision-making - FindEcon, 6. – 8. 5. 2004. Poland, Łódź: 2004
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