Analysis of possibilities of implementing multi-level governance instruments in four chosen urban functional areas in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia
Head of projectIng. Daneš Brzica, PhD.
Duration of the project: 6/2013 - 12/2013
ID number: IVF F 21310337International project - type of grant: Visegrad Fund
Project coordinator: The Society of Polish Town-Planners, Varšava
For purposes of: Visegrad Fund; The Society of Polish Town-Planners, Varšava; VEGAAbstract
Currently, management of urban areas and their impact zones in the EU is marked by an explosion of multi-level governance (MLG) model. This extension is the weakness of power structures (especially the state) that are supported and often even being replaced in the implementation of their functions by civil society organizations and business actors. MLG model is also supported by incentives in the form of funds from the EU. The project had to point out the factors that play an important role in shaping the MLG model in the context of selected urban areas of the region V4. Results based on partial analysis and subsequent discussions have pointed out that if the only incentive for the development of MLG model was funding their reduction would be a major factor in the collapse of this model. The model must be based on additional foundations such as the appropriate constitutional arrangements, creating awareness as to the effect stemming from the use of MLG model, the strengthening of civil behavior etc. MLG model serves as an instrument of cohesion policy, and may be - from a purely political point of view - interpreted as a way of strengthening transnational, regional and local actors at the expense of the state level. A serious challenge in planning and implementing activities (projects) in the MLG model is to take care of relations between the stakeholders so that they are based on partnership and not to resemble clientelistic networks. It is difficult taking into account the often unequal position (also economic) of the participants in such projects. The project results highlighted some theoretical, methodological, but also practical issues of MLG model implementation in the region.
KARABON, Marek et al. Laboratories of multi-level governance: analysis of possibilities of implementing multi-level governance instruments in four chosen urban functional areas in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. - Wroclaw: Society of Polish Town Planners, 2014.
The book is accessible online.
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