Conferences, seminars, workshops
Growth and Employment in Europe
We invite you to the scientific conference Growth and Employment in Europe, which will take place 3rd and 4th November 2015 at Austria Trend Hotel Bratislava
Paradigms of the Future Changes in the 21st Century V. Adaptive processes - the future of Europe and Slovakia
We invite you to the scientific conference Paradigms of the Future Changes in the 21st Century V. Adaptive processes - the future of Europe and Slovakia, which will take place 10th September 2015 at Small congress center of SAS, Štefanikova street 3, Bratislava.
The impact of the decline of the oil prices on the global economy
International workshop The impact of the decline of the oil prices on the global economy was held on April 22 in the Small Academy of Sciences convention center. The sponsor of the workshop was doc. Ing. Saleh Mothana Obadi PhD., Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Economic Research.
EUROFORUM: European tax and EU own resources
On 18th December 2015 was held at the EU House-European information center in Bratislava another event from the Euroforum series. THe latest topic was: European tax and EU own resources
Symposium on the 100th anniversary of the birth of Štefan Heretik
Department of Economic Theory and Institute of Economic Research SAS organized on March 20th 2015 Symposium on the 100th anniversary of the birth of Štefan Heretik
Development and prospects of the world economy
Conference for presentation of the ninth edition of the scientific monography "Development and prospects of the world economy: The recovery in the global economy, the real trends and risk factors" was held on 27. 11. 2014. The conference has been organized by the Institute of Economic Research in cooperation with the Institute of Economics and Management, University of Economics in Bratislava on the premises of the Economic University.
Scientific seminar on the occasion of the Week of Science and Technology in Slovakia in 2014
Institute of Economic Research SAS invites you to the international scientific seminar on the occasion of the Week of Science and Technology in Slovakia, 2014.
Inclusive solidarity - analysis and potential effects
The conference entitled „Inclusive solidarity - analysis and potential effects“ („Inkluzívna solidarita – analýzy a potenciálne efekty“) took place on 6th November in the premises of Hotel Nivy in Bratislava.
EUROFÓRUM: Measuring economic performance and public welfare - what are alternatives to current approach?
On 3rd July 2014 Euroforum meeting was held at Institute of Economic Research of Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava with presentation and discussion held on the topic Measuring economic performance and public welfare - what are alternatives to current approach?
Impacts of Ageing on Public Finances and Labour Markets in EU Regions
The international conference on the Impacts of Ageing on Public Finances and Labour Markets in EU Regions is aimed at bringing together researchers and academics from Europe and other regions to discuss the trends, causes and consequences of Ageing to Labour Markets and Public Finances across the EU. We encourage the submission of primarily empirical papers with policy implications.
EUROFÓRUM: Exceptions in using the resources of EU Cohesion Funds
The next EUROFORUM on the topic: Exceptions in using the resources of EU Cohesion Funds, will be held On October 21 in the library of Insitute of Economic Research SAS
The Paradigms of the Future Changes in the 21st Century III.
Institute of Economic Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Faculty of Economics of the Technical University of Košice, ZSE E‐on a.s., under the auspices of the President of the Slovak Republic and Ambassador of the Russian Federation invite you to the international scientific conference at Smolenice Castle, 16th - 18th September 2013, The Paradigms of the Future Changes in the 21st Century III (Europe, Slovakia - Connections between the Global Economic and Peace Potential)
14th Seminar in Empirical Economics
We kindly invite you to attend the 14th Seminar in Empirical Economics at the Institute of Economic Research, June 19, 2013 at 1pm
EUROFÓRUM: The situation in the relations between supermarket chains and their suppliers of food
Invitation to Euro-fórum on the topic: The situation in the relations between supermarket chains and their suppliers of food
Visegrad countries in changing economic, political and social conditions
Ekonomický ústav SAV a Vyšehradský fond v spolpráci s partnermi z krajín V4 organizujú konferenciu na tému Visegrad countries in changing economic, political and social conditions, ktorá sa uskutoční 23. novembra 2012 v Malom kongresovom centre SAV.
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