The conference entitled „Inclusive solidarity - analysis and potential effects“ („Inkluzívna solidarita – analýzy a potenciálne efekty“) took place on 6th November in the premises of Hotel Nivy in Bratislava. In the three panels dedicated to the Council for Fiscal Responsibility, inclusive growth in Europe 2020, dealing with material need between 2004 to 2014, the situation of material need benefits and issues such as the cost of unemployment and other topics, spoke Iveta Radičová, Viliam Páleník, Ľudovít Odór, Miroslav Pollák, Tomáš Domonkos and others.
In the program of the conference took its part also a book launch of monograph "Vývoj riešenia hmotnej núdze medzi rokmi 2004 až 2014"
You can watch the recording of the conference HERE
Conference was organized with the support of:
Project APVV–0371–11 „Inkluzívny rast v stratégii Európa 2020 - naivita alebo genialita?"
Council for Budget Responsibility
Project AO-1-08 Verejné politiky zamestnanosti
Project VEGA-0172/12