Conferences, seminars, workshops
On 16-18 May 2022, the scientific conference EKOMSTAT 2022 took place in Trenčianske Teplice.
On 31 May 2021, for the first time in its history, the scientific conference EKOMSTAT 2021 was held online.
International Workshop - Capital Flight and its Impact on the Slovak Economy
An international workshop of the project APVV-15-0666 “Capital Flight and its Impact on the Slovak Economy” organized by the Department of Macro-Financial Analysis of the Institute of Economic Research SAS was held during 17th-19th November 2019 in the Congress Centre Smolenice SAS.
On 2. - 5. June 2019, the scientific conference EKOMSTAT 2019 took place in Trenčianske Teplice.
On 3-7 June 2018, the scientific conference EKOMSTAT 2018 was held in Trenčianske Teplice.
PARADIGMS OF FUTURE CHANGES IN THE 21ST CENTURY - External and internal determinants of society polarization
On 27th October 2017 was held VII. International Scientific Conference Paradigms of future changes in the 21st century: External and internal determinants of society polarization at the SOREA Regia Hotel in Bratislava.
On 28 May - 1 June 2017, the scientific seminar EKOMSTAT 2017 took place in Trenčianske Teplice.
31th scientific seminar EKOMSTAT 2017
We cordially invite you to the 31th scientific seminar EKOMSTAT 2017 with following focus „Quantitative methods supporting decision-making in research, professional and economic practice“ that will take place in Trenčianske Teplice, DSZSU during 28th May – 1st June 2017.
PARADIGMS OF FUTURE CHANGES IN THE 21ST CENTURY - Adaptation processes and pulsating economy
We invite you to the international scientific conference Paradigms of future changes in the 21st century - Adaptation processes and pulsating economy, which will take place 27th-29th June at Smolenice Castle
On 29 May - 2 June 2016, the scientific seminar EKOMSTAT 2016 took place in Trenčianske Teplice.
Selected Risks of the World Economy
Institute of Economic Research SAS organized an international scientific seminar on the current topic "Selected problems of the world economy." In addition to Institute of Economic Research SAS workers on the following scientific seminar presented papers foreign experts: prof. Krejci, Ing. Malý and Ing. Tanner.
30th scientific seminar EKOMSTAT 2016
We cordially invite you to 30th scientific seminar EKOMSTAT 2016 with following focus „Quantitative methods supporting decision-making in research, professional and economic practice“ that will take place in Trenčianske Teplice, DSZSU during 29th May – 2nd June 2016.
EUROFORUM: Procedure macroeconomic imbalances in the euro area: theoretical background and practical experience
On 18th December 2015 was held at the Institute of Economic Research of Slovak Academy of Sciences another Euroforum on the topic: EUROFORUM: Procedure macroeconomic imbalances in the euro area: theoretical background and practical experience
Views at structural problems in the Slovak economy
Institute of Economic Research SAS has organized a scientific conference on the topic Views at structural problems in the Slovak economy. The conference took place December 11th 2015 in Small congress center SAS in Bratislava.
Capabilities and limitations of the economic modelling of european environmental tax as an EU own resource
We invite you to the scientific conference Capabilities and limitations of the economic modelling of european environmental tax as an EU own resource, which will take place 12th November 2015 at assembly hall of the Comenius University in Bratislava
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