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Projekty (radené podľa začiatku riešenia)
WWWforEurope - Welfare, Wealth and Work for Europe (7RP)
Vedúci projektuIng. Ivana Šikulová, PhD.
Členovia v projekte
Ing. Karol Frank, PhD.
Doba riešenia projektu: 4/2012 - 3/2016
Program: 7RPStránka projektu: http://www.foreurope.eu/
WWWforEurope started in April 2012 as a four year research project within the 7th Framework Programme funded by the European Commission.
The research programme
WWWforEurope will address essential questions for implementing socio-ecological transition:
- What are the challenges to the European welfare state?
- What is the impact of environmental sustainability on growth and employment?
- What is the role of industrial and innovation policy as drivers for change?
- What are necessary adjustments of governance structures at the European level?
- What is the role of the regions in the socio-ecological transition?
These investigations will be undertaken within a coherent framework which from the outset considers linkages between research topics and highlights how the different policy instruments work together. Finally research results will be bound together to a coherent strategy for socio-ecological transition.
The mission
With this robust research as a foundation the ultimate impact of the project will be to contribute to a change of the actual course of economic policy in the direction of a socio-ecological transition. To achieve this end and make an impact, WWWforEurope will engage in an ongoing dialogue with policy makers, stakeholders and representatives of civil society, supplying them with evidence based policy recommendations while at the same time integrating their expertise and their views in the design of the transition strategy to be developed.
Project Facts
WWWforEurope — Welfare, Wealth and Work for Europe
FP7 Collaborative Research Project
FP7 Theme:
SSH.2011.1.2-1 Europe moving towards a new path of economic growth and social development
Grant Agreement no.:
Total Costs:
€ 10,474,889.40
EC Contribution:
€ 7,999,858.25
Start Date:
Project end:
33 partners from 12 European countries
Project Coordinator:
Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)
Key Words:
welfare state, institutional reforms, social and ecological innovations, high road strategy, biophysical constraints, ageing, wealth, globalisation, labour markets, post-industrialisation, migration
Výstupy za rok 2012
Prvý policy brief
V rámci riešenia projektu bol na stránke Európskej komisie publikovaný prvý Policy Brief s názvom "Reconciling the short and the long run: governance reforms to solve the crisis and beyond".
Autormi sú: Karl Aiginger (WIFO), Olaf Cramme (Policy Network), Stefan Ederer (WIFO), Roger Liddle (Policy Network), Renaud Thillaye (Policy Network). Oponent: Kurt Bayer (EBRD)
Druhý policy brief
V rámci riešenia projektu bol na stránke Európskej komisie publikovaný druhý Policy Brief s názvom "Policy options for the development of peripheral regions and countries of Europe".
Autormi sú: Karl Aiginger (WIFO), Peter Huber (WIFO), Matthias Firgo (WIFO)
Výstupy za rok 2013
Na stránke projektu boli publikované výsledky za Milestone 23.
http://www.foreurope.eu/fileadmin/documents/pdf/Workingpapers/WWWforEurope_WPS_no019_MS23_Backgroundpaper3.pdfVýstupy za rok 2014
ŠIKULOVÁ, Ivana - FRANK, Karol. Transition to market economy in the Central and Eastern European countries : comparative analysis. In European Scientific Journal : ESJ, september 2014, edition vol. 1, no. special, p. 532-542. ISSN 1857-7881.
ŠIKULOVÁ, Ivana - FRANK, Karol. Transition to market economy in the Central and Eastern European countries - comparative analysis. Azores, Portugal 8-12-7.2014. In 2nd Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference, AIIC 2014 : proceedings [online]. - Kocani, Republic of Macedonia : European Scientific Institute, ESI, 2014, p. 526-536. ISBN 978-608-4642-24-4.
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