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Projekty (radené podľa začiatku riešenia)
The Unfinished Business of the Fifth enlargement - Comparative analysis of the post-accession state of art in the ten CEE new EU member states)
Vedúci projektuIng. Karol Frank, PhD.
Členovia v projekte
Ing. Vladimír Kvetan
Doba riešenia projektu: 8/2008 - 11/2008
Projekt Open Society Institute (Sofia) v rámci European Policy InitiativePartner: Open Society Institute, Sofia
The project aims at the identification of specific problems the new member states are facing after their accession to the EU and on the basis of this, at proposing priority areas for common action on European level that might involve:
• Amendment of current common EU policies;
• Deliberation on issues outside the scope of common policies that might necessitate common action on EU level;
• Refraining from the adoption of common EU policies on issues that are considered to be addressed best at national level.
Eleven subsections/policy areas (Subsection B1 – Subsection B11) should be examined byn order to identify existing and/or potntial post-accession “problem areas”.
The analysis of each subsection (policy area) should conclude with:
Assessment of the existence or non-existence of EU leverage after the accession and its reform potential compared to the pre-accession period.
In case there is no EU-leverage, the Expert should realistically examine the possibility and consequences of introducing such a mechanism if relevant.
In case there is EU leverage, the Expert should assess its efficiency and effectiveness. In case it is negatively assessed, the Expert should consider if there is a necessity of abstaining from a common EU policy?
On the basis of the above considerations, the Expert should summarize if for the effective problem-solving in the respective policy area there is a need for:
• the introduction of EU leverage mechanisms in the form of a new common EU policy;
• the reform of an existing EU leverage mechanisms in order to improve its efficiency and effectiveness (and specify how exactly);
• abstaining from an adoption of a common EU policy.KVETAN, V. - FRANK, K.: The unfinished business of the fifth enlargement countries : Country report Slovakia. Sofia : Open society Institute, 2009. 75 p. SBN 978-954-9828-77-1.
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