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Projekty (radené podľa začiatku riešenia)
Podpora Európskych štrukturálnych a investičných fondov pri implementácii odporúčaní EK a štruktúrnych reforiem v členských štátoch EÚ
Vedúci projektuIng. Karol Frank, PhD.
Zadávateľ: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Kordinátor: Ismeri, Taliansko. WIIW, Rakúsko
Číslo kontraktu: 2014CE16BAT007/2014CE16BAT008/2014CE16BAT009
Trvanie projektu: 2016/2017
The overall objective of this study is to assess how the Member States have planned to use the ESI Funds to translate challenges identified in the Country Specific Recommendations into practice and how the Funds are used to support structural reforms.
- The first purpose of the present study is to establish an overview of the structural reforms expected from Member States and of the related sources of information with a specific focus on recent CSRs (2012-2015).
- The second purpose of the study is to assess how the ESI Funds are contributing to implement expected structural reforms by assessing:
1. to which extent relevant CSRs have been taken up in the strategic choices set out in Partnership Agreements and Operational Programmes, and what has been their impact so far on the start of programme implementation. This should be analysed for all programmes financed by the ESI Funds
2. the impact of ex-ante conditionalities on the implementation of structural reforms
C. The third purpose of the study is to set out whether and to which extentMember States need investment in institutional capacityto develop and implement the structural reforms or the CSRs. This includes assessing how the Thematic Objective on Enhancing Institutional Capacity of Public Authorities and Efficient Public Administration will support the process.
D. The fourth purpose of the study is to draw conclusions about the support provided by ESIF to structural reforms and to the implementation of CSRs. This includes identifying lessons learned in view of the preparation of the next programming period (post 2020).
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