Číslo 8 - Ročník 61/2013
Economic Development of Slovakia in 2012 and Outlook up to 2014
Strana 767, Číslo 8 - Ročník 61/2013
After the unexpectedly severe recession (2009) and equally unexpected re-covery (2010), the Slovak economy balanced between recovery and a second recession for two years (2011 and 2012). The Slovak economy was more resilient against “the second wave of the crisis” than previously expected. Although the euro area was in recession in 2012, the Slovak economy grew (albeit slightly). However, after the significant deceleration of economic growth in the last quarter of 2012, the expectations of a recession have returned. After approximately one and a half year of waiting, the Slovak economy will be fully confronted with the second wave of the crisis. The economy cannot resist the second wave of the recession (which has already hit the euro area) forever. Significant slowdown hits the economy at a time when the euro area economy has started to improve gradually. This could mean that the significant decline in economic growth could be coupled with a possible alleviation of the difficulties.
Changing Product Structure and Comparative Advantage: The Case of Hungarian Agri-food Trade
Strana 846, Číslo 8 - Ročník 61/2013
EU accession has changed the agri-food trade of New Member States, including Hungary. The article focuses on analysing the changing structure and comparative advantage of Hungarian agri-food trade by product group and degree of processing. It aims to provide a clearer analysis of the effects of EU accession on Hungarian primary and processed agri-food trade by employing the latest data. Results confirm that revealed comparative advantages have weakened after accession and that the vast majority of products had a revealed comparative disadvantage after 2004. It is clear that accession has radically changed the survival time of agri-food trade, reasons for which are also identified.
Súvislosti realizácie koncepcie striebornej ekonomiky v krajinách Európskej únie
Strana 861, Číslo 8 - Ročník 61/2013
Realizácia koncepcie striebornej ekonomiky predpokladá rast potenciálneho dopytu starších obyvateľov v krajinách EÚ. Vychádza sa z nárastu podielu seniorov na populácii a z rastu ich príjmov. Zvýšený potenciálny dopyt staršej generácie má generovať významný segment spotrebiteľského trhu najmä v oblasti špecifických tovarov a služieb pre starších v rôznych odvetviach ekonomiky, predovšetkým v zdravotníctve. Pretrvávajúca kríza významným spôsobom zasahuje do podmienok formovania dôchodkov obyvateľstva a predznačuje problémy v medzigeneračnej solidarite pri koncipovaní zmien v sociálnych systémoch. Je možné registrovať prechod z etapy dlhovej krízy do krízy spotreby a krízy produkčných kapacít. Rast nezamestnanosti a stagnácia miezd výrazne limitujú základy generovania budúcich starobných dôchodkov v jednotlivých krajinách EÚ diferencovane. Potenciálny dopyt starších je skúmaný za regióny a krajiny EÚ, s osobitným zreteľom na podmienky v SR.