Číslo 10 - Ročník 71/2023
Determinants of Personal Risk Financing Strategies
Strana 579, Číslo 10 - Ročník 71/2023
Nepriaznivé príjmové šoky môžu mať značný dosah na krátkodobú a dlhodobú finančnú stabilitu jednotlivcov a domácností. Optimálna reakcia na vystavenie sa riziku je determinovaná efektívnou voľbou stratégie riadenia rizík využitím poistenia, sporenia a ďalších nástrojov. Jednotlivci a domácnosti sa však v týchto situáciách nie vždy rozhodujú optimálne. Článok skúma determinanty rozhodovania jednotlivcov o implementácii stratégií rizikového financovania. Testujeme demografické, ekonomické a osobné charakteristiky (vrátane rizikového postoja a finančnej gramotnosti) s cieľom identifikovať relevantné faktory spojené s odlišným správaním sa pri riadení osobných rizík. Vychádzame z údajov z prieskumu realizovaného v SR. Analyzujeme využitie dvoch stratégií rizikového financovania - prenosu rizika a samopoistenia, pri riadení rizík jednotlivcov spojených so životom a zdravím. Naše výsledky poukazujú, že úroveň finančnej gramotnosti a rizikového postoja sú dôležitými prvkami pri osobných rozhodnutiach o riadení rizík, na čo by mali reflektovať aj tvorcovia politík v snahe zabezpečania finančnej stability jednotlivcov a domácností.
Factors of Tax Evasion: The Case of the Czech Republic
Strana 617, Číslo 10 - Ročník 71/2023
The main goal of this paper is to estimate factors of tax evasion in the Czech Republic. Among other things, tax evasion reduces state revenues which fact leads to a decrease in the quantity and quality of publicly provided goods and services. Therefore it is necessary to ensure that taxpayers comply with their tax obligations. Firstly, we use the monetary method (cash/deposit ratio) to estimate the size of tax evasion in absolute and relative terms. According to our estimates, the extent of tax evasion in the Czech Republic was almost 3.6 percent of GDP in 2021. Secondly, we use multivariate time series cointegration analysis models to analyse the economic, tax, and institutional determinants of tax evasion in the Czech Republic. The factors negatively associated with tax evasion include tax overpayments, VAT revenue, and implementation of tax measures introduced in 2020. The positive impact has GDP, PIT revenue, CIT revenue, inflation, monetary freedom, Gross National Savings, trade freedom, PIT rate, unemployment, and average wage.
The Impact of COVID-19 Fiscal Policy on the Performance of Slovak State Budget in 2020 and 2021
Strana 618, Číslo 10 - Ročník 71/2023
The contribution deals with the Slovak fiscal and budgetary policy as implemented and carried out during and immediately after the initial outburst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its primary aim is to test the existence of the impact of the pandemic on fiscal developments and to quantify it using the estimate of the overall cash-based performance of the State budget of the Slovak Republic in 2020 and 2021. Next, the paper sets out to analyse the degree of disruption to the Slovak public finances due to the expansive fiscal policy measures aimed at mitigating the pandemic effects in 2020 and 2021 (i.e. stabilising macroeconomic variables). Deviances in the current performance of the Slovak State budget are assessed using the combination of actual values and own forecasts (point estimates), the latter being sourced from the authorial SARIMA-based econometric models applied on the 2010 – 2019 quarterly time series of the Slovak Republic’s State budget cash revenues and expenditures. Particular attention is paid to the associated additional expenditures and/or reduced (missing) budgetary revenues.
Efficiency Analysis of EU Member States in the Context of Population Aging
Strana 646, Číslo 10 - Ročník 71/2023
The population aging might threaten the economic development and efficiency of EU Member States. Based on the demographic projections, the EU’s old-age dependency ratio (as proxies of population aging) will be almost double – from 31% in 2019 to 57% in 2100. This study focuses on the efficiency analysis of European Union Member States in the context of population aging. Utilizing Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the Malmquist Productivity Index, we evaluated how demographic changes affect the economic efficiency of various EU countries. Our findings reveal that some states, such as the Czech Republic, Germany, and Luxembourg, demonstrate high-efficiency levels when considering demographic factors. The results suggest that technological advancement and innovation are crucial in addressing the challenges associated with population aging.