Číslo 1-2 - Ročník 72/2024
Is Taxation Important for the Allocation of FDI in EU Countries?
Strana 3, Číslo 1-2 - Ročník 72/2024
The foreign direct investment (FDI) amount suggests the country’s attractiveness to foreign investors. However, it can also reflect the tax benefits provided by the recipient country or achievable in a combination of tax rules of the investor-state and the recipient country. If these benefits represent an opportunity for aggressive tax planning, it leads to profit shifting, which the international organizations and their members try to combat. We used the economic data and specific tax indicators of the European Member states in the period of 2013 to 2019. We estimated panel regression models to determine that three indicators of the tax system of the investor’s state attract FDI allocation. They include the non-residency of the company having management in another state, the absence of withholding tax on interest paid, and the patent box or other preferential tax regime on income from intellectual property rights. In the recipient country, two indicators proved to be statistically significant and positively impacted the FDI stock: the possibility of group taxation with the holding company and the accessibility of unilateral ruling on, e.g., interest spread or royalty spread. The absence of CFC rules, no taxation of deemed income from interest-free loans, and tax deductions of intra-group interest costs in the investor’s country positively affect the level of managerial services and the amount of interest paid to the investor’s country from the recipient country.
High-Speed Rail in Tourism: Demand Segments and Factors of Their Potential Transition to Alternative Modes of Transport
Strana 27, Číslo 1-2 - Ročník 72/2024
Tento příspěvek si klade za cíl prozkoumat faktory, které předurčují ochotu návštěvníků České republiky přejít na ekologičtější způsoby dopravy. Navrhovaný model hypotetického přechodu na vysokorychlostní trať (VRT) zohledňuje osobní a cestovatelské charakteristiky, roli environmentálních postojů a předchozí zkušenosti s různými druhy dopravy. Data vstupující do modelu byla získána prostřednictvím dotazníkového šetření mezi návštěvníky třech klíčových českých center plánované VRT. Vzorek 1 800 respondentů byl vybrán kombinací náhodného výběru a kvóty aplikované na délku pobytu a národnost. Pomocí Kruskal-Wallisova testu a následných kontingenčních analýz byly identifikovány silné vztahy mezi uživateli vlaků a jejich ochotou používat VRT. Environmentální postoje vedly k silné preferenci VRT. Podobně čas strávený na cestě a její účel ovlivnily ochotu přejít na VRT.
Impact of Population Ageing on Economic Growth in Emerging EU Countries
Strana 50, Číslo 1-2 - Ročník 72/2024
This study aims to investigate the effect of one of the most prominent contemporary changes in demographic structure, population ageing, on the economic performance of eight emerging economies from Central and Eastern Europe. Despite experiencing relatively high economic growth, these countries are still striving to catch up with the more advanced European economies (which are used as the control group). Concurrently, they are facing significant population ageing. Using the Pooled Mean Group estimator in the panel ARDL model, the study finds that a one percent increase in the old dependency ratio results in a 0.52 percent decrease in GDP per capita growth rate and a 0.53 percent decrease in GDP growth rate in the long term. The gross capital formation rate and the gross sav-ings positively impact per capita economic growth in the short term, where-as the labour force participation rate’s impact on the GDP growth varies across the country groups. The findings underscore the importance of implementing active ageing programs, creating fiscal buffers, fostering life-long learning, and promoting employment among vulnerable groups to mitigate the adverse effects of population ageing on economic growth in emerging economies.
Effect of Economic, Politics and Geopolitics Crisis on Herd Behaviour in an Emerging Market: Evidence from Borsa Istanbul
Strana 72, Číslo 1-2 - Ročník 72/2024
In this study, herd behaviour in Borsa Istanbul (Istanbul Stock Exchange) is discussed with various dimensions. The study covers the period between January 1993 and May 2019, and the general herd behaviour covering the entire period in Borsa Istanbul as well as the herd and asymmetric herd behaviours in the structural break periods calculated with the ICSS algorithm were examined. Moreover, herd behaviour during economic and local political/geopolitical crises and election periods in Turkey, which is a fragile economy, is also examined. According to the empirical results, it has been found that there is herd behaviour in Borsa Istanbul, and that herd behaviour is observed in both rising and falling markets, which is stronger especially in falling markets. It has also been observed in the research that herd behaviour is very evident in times of economic, local political and geopolitical crisis. In addition, the herd effect is also encountered before the elections in the coalition government periods characterized by political uncertainties.