Publications - Working Papers IER SAS
WP 86 Pulsating economy (conceptual backgrounds of the issue)
doc. Ing. Iveta Pauhofová, CSc., hosťujúca profesorka, prof. Ing. Peter Staněk, CSc.
prof. Ing. Peter Staněk, CSc., doc. Ing. Iveta Pauhofová, CSc.
- Year: 2016
- Pages: 27
- ISSN 1337-5598
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The pulsating economy deals with a new insight into the effect of the time factor in economic, financial, social and geopolitical processes. In view of the fact that intensity increasing of the effect on each other, the time factor is important key in monitoring of the cumulative effect of these phenomena linked to each other, and also as a result of the compression effect over time may exhibit as positive or negative. The approaches to pulsating economy are based on un-covering the context of the gap between real and virtual economy, which stands on crisis plat-form. Also is presented relationship of impact of technology, unemployment, increase income inequality and the problem of global consumption. Accents the fact – it is an accumulation of factors and their independence in space and time, acceleration, compression of processes and development in jumps. The forecast of negative process accumulation at the global level is problematic. The key to adaptation is to know haw is the system context.
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