Publications - Working Papers IER SAS
WP 113 Spatial Price Transmission Between Pigmeat Markets in Visegrad Countries: A Generalized Additive Modelling Approach
Sergei Kharin, Cand.Sc
- Year: 2023
- Pages: 42
- ISSN 1337-5598
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In the twenty first century horizontal price transmission has become the topic of a great interest in applied microeconomics research in terms of the perspective of understanding on how geographically separated markets function. The paper provides detailed review of applied research in the field of the spatial price transmission modelling, also the most popular econometric models have been discussed in the light of the main advantages and disadvantages with a special focus on nonlinear techniques. Being in line with the last studies on non-linear time series models of spatial agri-food price transmission and market integration, we introduce non-parametric technique of generalized additive modelling in order to give evidence of agri-food market integration efficiency and non-linear patterns in price linkages. The results of our empirical approach may contribute to the knowledge about market efficiency and competitiveness as well as provide information to policymakers.
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