Publications - Working Papers IER SAS
WP 79 Is education system a driver or an obstacle to progressive structural changes in economy of the Slovak Republic?
Juraj Vantuch
- Year: 2015
- Pages: 69
- ISSN 1337-5598
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This study responds to assigned six questions of which the essential is visible in the title. The education system in Slovakia can actually be one of the factors that block the progressive structural changes in the economy and limit the increase of economy in Slovakia. At the same time, however, the direction of the economy, or its difficult predictability, can be a limiting factor in development of the education system. This contribution offers an account about the deformation of the education system, the causes of these deformations and its possible con-nection with development of the economy. It explains why the education system is not quality of outcome driven, how education reform lags behind economic reforms, or what motivation-al failures result from the preferred regulatory methods and reform policies.
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