Publications - Expert Papers IER SAS
Impact of ageing on long term care demand and supply in Slovakia : NEUJOBS country report
- Year: 2014
- Pages: 26
The significance of Long - term care related to current ageing process is increasing across EU countries. This country report analyses the current state of LTC provision (employment) and needs (demand of care) in Slovakia and its expected development until 2025. Forecast of employment in LTC sector and its structure is based on utilization approach that is related to increasing number of persons in need. The main driver of this trend presents ageing process that is analysed for two NEMESIS demographic scenarios: friendly and tough. Although only demographic effect on the demand for LTC services is presented in the paper, it was estimated that more than half of the services are currently provided informally by unpaid workers, usually relatives. Therefore significant, both initial and expected additional shortage of LTC workers (nursing and personal care staff) need to be addressed.
The study accessible online here...
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