Publications - Working Papers IER SAS
WP 59 Identification of income stratification in Slovakia
doc. Ing. Iveta Pauhofová, CSc., hosťujúca profesorka , Ing. Dávid Martinák
doc. Ing. Iveta Pauhofová, CSc., Ing. Dávid Martinák
- Year: 2014
- Pages: 40
- ISSN 1337-5598
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The paper explores changes in income stratification of Slovak population for determination of the possibility of space “maneuver” for consumption. We analyze the results of the pre-crisis and crisis period. We focus on the macroeconomic framework of the income formation and the space for household consumption and propensity to save. The paper primarily examines the regional dimension of income stratification (regions and districts of the Slovak Republic) and focuses on the worst regions of the availability of revenue. Differences in income stratification of residents in urban and rural areas and also differences in the distribution of income between genders are examined. Partial attention is directed to the area of income stratification "silver" population (aging, older and oldest people) because of anticipation of their growing influence in the consumer market of the EU. Analysis uses data based on national accounts data from the Slovak Statistical Office, Eurostat data and administrative data on individual income from Slovak Social Insurance.
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