Publications - Working Papers IER SAS
WP 50 Employment intensity of economic growth in region V4 and chosen western countries
Ing. Martin Hudcovský, PhD.
- Year: 2013
- Pages: 39
- ISSN 1337-5598
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The analysis is focused on employment intensity of economic growth in comparison of the Vysegrad fourth and chosen countries of west Europe from 1995 – 2010. The aim of the analysis was to identify possible ways to encourage economic growth and improve the convergence process of V4 in field of labor market and employment. Sector analysis of employment and production provides brief characteristics of sectors and closer look to their productivity and labor intensity. Employment elasticity was examined for particular demographic groups created according to their age. Some concluding remarks are stated about threatened demographic cohorts and their response to economic growth. Link between the employment and economic growth have been undertaken with respect to each economic branch in the country. Some branches have been identified with opportunity to increase employment in country and promoting growth of these branches could improve convergence of V4 to west countries. Chosen set of employment-economic growth determinants have been examined for their impact to relationship. Some variables seem to have opposite influence in V4 region than they have in the EU 27 group. These effects have to be taken into account when policy makers are trying to reach the goal of high employment or low unemployment.
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